Monday, September 05, 2011

3rd Day Consciousness - 5th Dimensional Reality

"At that very hour some Pharisees came up and said to Him, Go away from here, for Herod is determined to kill You.And He said to them, Go and tell that fox, Behold I drive out demons and perform healings today and tomorrow, and on the third day I finish (complete) My course. Nevertheless I must continue on My way today and tomorrow and the day after that, for it will never do for a prophet to be destroyed away from Jerusalem." And the passage: " And I tell you, you will not see Me again until the time comes when you shall say, Blessed is He who come in the name of the Lord!"

What Jesus accomplished in his earthly assignment deposited into the collective consciousness or the collective gene pool of all men, resurrection and glorification reality. Because we are all spirit creations, at our deepest level we are all connected to that unlimited field of God energy. Scientists even call it the 'unified field'. Jesus effected a change in the consciousness of man at the subconscious level. For all are not yet living in full consciousness or awareness of their first estate as spirit beings. But he said he was a Door or he was an Opener, a Portal or an Energy Vortex showing man what was possible.

It only took one man to build an airplane and to become airborne to show that it is possible to do. It only took one to show that the laws of gravity can be overcome and that the new law of aerodynamics is greater. Once this possibility of flying was deposited in the consciousness of man, look what has transpired in the airline industry. We even flew a vehicle to the moon and back - all because a door of possibility was opened up in man.The past two days or 2000 years have been spent in having this great seed of resurrection truth rising ever nearer the surface into full consciousness and awareness. We have had to have our 'demons' cast out and great healings done in our land, to allow for this Christ seed to spring forth. We have had to have all of our misperceptions about God healed in us to come forth as the full-grown plant.The past two days has not been for the salvation of the world, but for the calling out of a people for his name. Act 15:14-18

The raising again of the Tabernacle of David proceeds the full manifestation of the Temple of Solomon or the raising of a Collective Resurrected Glorified Christ Son proceeds the full ingathering of all men to God. I know that the word tabernacle depicts a temporary dwelling and I only use that here in the sense that the Collective Prototype or God Elect is only temporary until there is a Temple of God or until all men are alive and awake in Him providing him an unmovable Temple. Paul was caught up into the third heaven. This is not telling us he was caught up into a third heaven like layers in a cake, but he was caught ahead into the awakening of the third day consciousness that brought forth a Collective Christ. He was caught up into some of the things we are hearing now and are going to have unfolded in us in even greater glory as we embark into greater vistas of light.

As earth dwellers we live in a 3rd dimensional world of height, width and depth, and the added 4th sense of time, but 5th dimensional reality is when heaven invades earth superimposing (covering) the earth with its greater glory! \o/

Much love and light to all,

"The Son aspect of God, the Christ, is the Father expressed, journeying through its creation for the purpose of experiencing its own potential."
"I gave you life, you give me a living-together we will give life and light to the 


There is much talk about living in the now. One of the best seller books that came out not long ago was about one man's experience of being caught up into the Now of God and he was so 'blissed out' that he just sat on a park bench for two years in awe of this awesome Presence before he was able to function in this world again. "The Power of Now" is his story.

I have been saying I need to live more in the Now (the Today of God) for a long time, but how do you do that and just what do we mean by 'now'? You know, a "stop and smell the heavenly roses" kind of thing.

It is living in and being aware of your Eternal Presence.

When for just one moment, you can see yourself as you really are, you have left the realm of time, death and hell. Some call it "the Gap" because it is the ability to slip between dimensions or it is the ability to come and go by the spirit. But I do not believe that requires an actual exit bodily out of here for we have been called to be saviors upon Mt. Zion. We just need to have our heavens opened as Jesus our prototype did at his Jordan baptism while our feet still walk this earth.

It means holding a 5th dimensional awareness (heaven) while walking in a 3rd dimensional body (earth). There is no way that you can set the oracles of God in the earth without this awareness of spirit.

As for past and future, I believe they meet in us in the realm of no time, or our awareness of the Eternal Presence.

There exists no time in eternity. It all happens at once, or it's the whole loaf. The Alpha and the Omega and everything in between exists here. This is the Full Mind of Christ, or the 100 Fold Realm and the only way you can have righteous judgment, for you know the end from the beginning, as only a God should.

I see the two arms of the cross picturing this embrace of the past and future, in the ever present Today of God which Jesus typified.

Jesus hung at the juxtaposition of where these two realms crossed. The vertical shows the realm of no time(spirit) and the horizontal is the picture of linear time (earth). They were brought together in Christ. His arms were outstretched in the horizontal embracing all of creation and all the experiences it brings, and his heart was where the horizontal and the vertical met, or where X marked the spot - God being the X factor. "God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself". Jesus was God's Heart Revealed.

The Cross is the longitude and the the latitude or the creative coordinates of The New Creation man! This Land of the Interface is the Matrix, the Manger of Manifestation or the spiritual springboard for this new creature that is neither spirit nor flesh. Some have coined the word 'splesh' for this New Species. Trancducers of the Divine into New Form!

Heaven and earth will pass away the scriptures say, not because they cease to exist but because they become as one.

It says in Gen1:1 that God created the heaven and the earth. They were one before any divisions that came about. We are pulling it all together in our Now as we become one in our awareness with the Eternal Presence while in a body.

This to me is what Jesus meant when he said he only did what he saw his Father do. For any given situation that he was confronted with, he reached into the Mind of Christ, that Eternal Presence where our alpha and omega exists and spoke that man's spiritual script into visibility as he was the express image of the invisible God and was able as a life-giving entity to do the same for others.

I love you and thank God for each of you as we explore together our new heavens and new earth and re-member Ourself.

PS. Are we seeing what we believe (spirit creations) or just believing what we see(flesh creations)?

Friday, September 02, 2011

Morning Has Been All Night Coming

The Evening and The Morning Was the First Day
"And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth was passed away; and their was no more sea." Rev. 21:1

Isa. 65:17 "For, behold, I create a new heaven and a new earth, and the former things shall not be remembered or come into mind. (isn't that what happens when a woman births a child, she forgets her pain in the joy of her child) But be glad and rejoice forever in that which I create; for behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy." 

If this present world and world system is a projection or creation from the mind of unenlightened men out of touch with their Source, then what will the projection or creation be of a resurrected Collective Christ be. All of history up to this time has been nothing but "our evening", our time spent in darkness (the womb) [and when I say 'our', I mean all of humanity] but God's days always start in the darkness, just as all natural human life in the womb does, and ends in the light. "The evening and the morning was the first day, etc." 

The only reason that there is anything in this outer world that manifests darkness is because it is a projection of man's inner world of darkness. This is the first man who has created the first heaven and the first earth that must pass away. When you are 'entombed' or 'enwombed' in a dark watery world, you can't imagine what 'morning' awaits you just the other side of the birth canal. You enter a brand new dimension, live by entirely new criteria. You breathe air, and now live in the light. 

"The Collective Resurrection of Christ is so profound, so powerful, so contagious that it is retroactive. There is going to be a global shift in consciousness "when all who are in their graves/womb/tomb shall hear his voice and live", but the personal experience of the Resurrection is available here and now to those first born cells of the Body, as islands of the future, prototypes of the Body of God as this powerful Resurrection reality reaches back into time drawing all forward into the Completion. But every event, every terrestial process, all its creatures and conditions will pass through the veil of transition, the fire of transformation, ie, the birth canal into a world that offers brand new creation tools at its disposal." quote by Ken Carey Creatures that cannot but help to manifest outwardly what they are inwardly, a new heaven and a new earth! \o/ 

Love and blessings,