Sunday, February 19, 2006

Don't Touch Me

These were the words that Mary heard from the risen Christ. What was their significance do you think?

Mary was looking for Jesus the man she had known and loved prior to his resurrection. But Jesus could no longer be held in his earthly manifestation now because he knew that his mission was not complete. If he remained with them as the singular man Jesus, his ability to share this spirit that he had been anointed with -the anointing of the spirit without measure (John 3) would only be limited to wherever he bodily or physically could be. That's why he said "I am with you, but I shall be in you."

Jesus did not walk in glorified flesh when he walked here. He had emptied himself and stripped himself of his equality with God and was born a human being and after he appeared in human form he humbled himself even further and carried his obedience to the extreme of death, even the death of the cross! He was powerless to do anything without the anointing. "God anointed Jesus who went about doing good." "I can of mine ownself do nothing."

He knew that he had to make his full change, in body as well as being anointed in spirit.

We know that Jesus asked to be restored to the glory that he had with the Father before the world was, so this also reveals that he was not walking in that full glory while in his human flesh.

Why did Jesus say in John 17?..."He lifted up his eyes to heaven and said, Father, the hour is come. Glorify and exalt and honor and magnify YOUR SON, so that YOUR SON may glorify and extol and magnify You."

Because THE SON now becomes a Father in his glorification! It is Jesus who fathers us. Remember Paul saying we have not many fathers?

"I have given to them the glory and honor which you have given Me, that they may be one even as we are one...and that You have loved them even as You have loved Me." He was sharing with us the same glory bestowed upon him by his father to show us how we are are equally loved by God as his One Son.

When Peter stood on the Day of Pentecost and told the crowd gathered in Jerusalem for that Jewish feast day, just exactly what was going on in this great outpouring that they were witnessing, he told them that this was the fulfillment of what Joel the prophet had been told. That God was going to pour out his spirit on all mankind. By what means did he tell them that this was going to happen??

He told them Jesus of Nazareth a Man who had been witnessed to as from God by the mighty works that he had performed, and it was this very Jesus they had crucified, but God had raised up out of death not permiting his soul to remain in Hades (which was the realm of departed spirits) NOR would he let this Holy One's flesh body see corruption or decay.



IT WAS JESUS THAT BAPTIZED THEM THEN AND IT IS STILL JESUS THAT BAPTIZES US NOW. It is the Jesus that has been made Christ and Lord that has this ability. That is why Jesus would not let Mary touch or hold him in this realm. He had a greater work to perform for us and in us....becoming not only the Author or initiator of our faith, but from this expanded and exalted place would now be able to actually live in us as the resurrected Christ spirit, finishing or bringing to maturity or perfection our faith.

And let the whole house of Israel know - isn't that who we are, the spiritual house of Israel?

Well, let them all know and recognize beyond ALL DOUBT and know assuredly that

GOD HAS MADE HIM BOTH LORD AND CHRIST (this is the King/Priest ministry or the Melchizedek Prieshood order for it is the power of an endless life that qualifies this priesthood)


You don't have Christ apart from Jesus. And you don't have the completed Christ Body without each of us as members of that Body. For Christ is many yet ONE!

Grace and Glory to all,

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Treasures New and Treasures Old

Matt. 13: 52
“He said to them, Therefore every teacher and interpreter of the Sacred Writings who has been instructed and trained for the kingdom of heaven and become a disciple, is like a householder who brings forth out of his storehouse treasure that is new and [treasure that is] old – the fresh [as well as] the familiar.”

I love sharing some of the newer more present understandings of truth that is coming out today, at least the little that I do grasp some of them - Things about the DNA, quantum science’s teaching of the implicate and the explicate orders of things, how all things are really energy that vibrates at different frequencies holding them in certain patterns and how energy speeded up becomes Light and slowed down takes on matter or visibility. I hear spirit in all of this. And I feel that if Jesus the man had appeared in this day instead of 2000 years ago, he may have taught more from this perspective or present truth scenario than in just stories about seeds and harvests and the parables or veiled truth that he used then. But he did promise that the time would come that he would no longer speak in figures of speech such as this, but would tell us plainly of the Father without using veiled stories. John 16

But That Jesus IS here! We are the harvest of the singular seed Jesus that was planted in the earth, our earth. Isaiah said “he was cut off out of the land of the living and who would declare his generation”. Well, we are his generation, his spiritual offspring that would prolong his days and that the will and pleasure of the Lord would prosper in His hand. That would be Us. We are his hands, his feet, and His Body. And “he would see the travail of his soul and be most satisfied…by his knowledge of himself, [knowing who you are in God] shall My righteous One, My Servant justify and make many righteous” [bring many sons to glory]

But most of the Christian world is still locked into the letter of the word. So in order to be one of those disciples who are instructed and trained for the kingdom of heaven, you have to know how to bring old treasure forth, too, but in a treasureingly new way. We take the same stories and parables that are told in the bible, in other words, old treasure, and with the enlightening of the Holy Spirit share with them, if we are so privileged to do so, how the spirit can make those same scriptures to be life instead of an interpretation of death and condemnation. They have a reference point and an ability to at least make an association with the story or passage you may be referring to because of their familiarity with scripture.

But I find with the world, they could care less about your bible story revelations. They have no reference point in them to associate with. At the most some of them may be familiar with the story that there was some guy named Noah that went through a flood with a boat full of animals. Or that there was a little baby born in a manager long ago and grew up to be a really good man. And to remember this event we celebrate Christmas and all give each other gifts.

The world will not understand or “get” our bible preaching maybe, but they will “get” or understand unconditional love. For all the law and the prophets are taught in that one truth….Love.

So, we have to be those ministering angels or messengers of God that can ascend or descend the ladder of Truth bring forth treasure both new and old…..or so my inward truth teller says.

Blessings to all


Here is a reply made to this post from elsewhere and our comments added:


You wrote a nice post, thanks. You also wrote...

"I love sharing some of the newer more present understandings of truth that is coming out today, at least the little that I do grasp some of them - Things about the DNA, quantum science’s teaching of the implicate and the explicate orders of things, how all things are really energy that vibrates at different frequencies holding them in certain patterns and how energy speeded up becomes Light and slowed down takes on matter or visibility. I hear spirit in all of this. And I feel that if Jesus the man had appeared in this day instead of 2000 years ago, he may have taught more from this perspective or present truth scenario than in just stories about seeds and harvests and the parables or veiled truth that he used then. But he did promise that the time would come that he would no longer speak in figures of speech such as this, but would tell us plainly of the Father without using veiled stories. John 16 "

Yes He would and He is. That is what he meant when he said that he had many things to tell the disciples but they could not hear them at that time. That is why the "day" or time of "revelation" had to wait.

God is giving the information you speak about above, through the beast, meaning the christian-professing but not necessarily christian-actings, kingdoms of men today. The purpose is to destroy the "babylon" man has been under in his understanding and beleif of myths and fables as if they were the truth of God.

Rev 17:15 And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
Rev 17:16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. Rev 17:17 For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.
Rev 17:18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

This is a spiritual fire, when accomplished by God in the minds and spirit of men.
God bless" end quote


My reply to them:

Well, thank you for your reply as well.

I loved the scripture you shared from Rev. I wouldn't have seen that in that light without your pointing it out.

Sorta made me think of the scripture, if I am remembering this one correctly, that says "the children of this world are often wiser than the children of light."

Perhaps truth comes just like that passage says, "as the thief in the night," and could mean that these greater defining truths are breaking forth in the midst of man's darkness and praise God, will steal his immaturity of understanding away.

Love and communion,

The One Son or the sons of the ONE

"For the law of the Spirit of Life [which is] in Christ Jesus [the law of our new being] has freed me from the law of sin and death.

So then, brethren, we ARE debtors, but not to the flesh – we are not obligated to our carnal nature – to live [a life ruled by the standards set up by the dictates] of the flesh.

For if you live according to [the dictates of] the flesh you will surely die. But if through the power of the Spirit YOU are habitually putting to death – making extinct, deadening – the evil deeds prompted by the body, you shall (really and genuinely) live forever.

For all who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God.

And if we are [His] children, then we are [His] heirs also: heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ – sharing His inheritance with Him; only we must share His suffering if we are to share His glory.

[But what of that?] For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth being compared with the glory that is about to be revealed to us and in us and for us and conferred on us!

For (even the whole) creation (all nature) waits expectantly and longs earnestly for God’s sons to be made known – waits for the revealing, the disclosing of their sonship.

For the creation (nature) was subjected to frailty – to futility, condemned to frustration – not because of some intentional fault on its part, but by the will of Him Who so subjected it [Yet] with the hope

That nature (creation) itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and corruption [and gain an entrance] into the glorious freedom of God’s children.

We know that the whole creation (of irrational creatures) has been moaning together in the pains of labor until now.

And not only the creation, but we ourselves too, who have and enjoy the firstfruits of the (Holy) Spirit – a foretaste of the blissful things to come – groan inwardly as we wait for the redemption of our bodies [from sensuality and the grave which will reveal] our adoption (our manifestation as God’s sons.)



The majority of the church is looking for the one Son, Jesus to return.

Yes, all creation has an expectation of something greater. And the word expectation carries a stronger meaning that just a hope. It's true, a woman may hope to have a baby some day, but when she gets pregnant she has more than just a hope. When a woman is pregnant she doesn’t just hope she is having a baby, she is fully expecting to! We are pregnant with more than just a hope, we have an expectation of the fully formed Christ that we are impregnated with to make an appearance into this world in power and great glory.

There is a groaning in all as in birth pangs for something greater to be birthed than what they have thus far experienced in this world of war, and turmoil. The minds of many think that what they are looking for is for the one Son Jesus to return, but the spirit groanings in them are looking for the Son to be revealed, or unveiled in us his sons! Their spirit is looking to us! They are longing earnestly, and waiting expectantly in pain for this disclosure.

They are waiting for us to reach our place that God has ordained for us and to fulfill our purpose as a firstfruits model for them, just as Jesus was our firstfruits model. They are waiting for us to bring forth this manifestation so God can go on with his program so that the rest of the ages can come in.

All the ends of the ages are upon US as a responsibility. They are waiting upon us! For in the unveiling they will see Him and in seeing Him they will see themselves, perhaps for the first time.

Sometimes for us to get in touch with what is within us we have had to catch a glimpse of it outside of ourselves first. That is what Jesus did for us. For in beholding him, we saw our true self. It puts us back in touch with our true self.

People go to pastors, teachers, rabbis and psychologists for counceling all the time, because they are trying, because of some need in them, to find some kind of help to put them in touch with what is happening within them. Or at least, if any of these couselors are worth their salt that is what they should be doing....helping people find their own point or center of power.

And this manifestation is greater than anything that was ever in the Garden, that first man made of dust.

This second Man the Lord from heaven, is a life-giving spirit Man.


Here is a little illusration of what I am trying to say about catching a glimpse of yourself, outside of yourself that helps remind you of who you could be.

Have you ever been in the presence of someone who so exuded the life and love of God, that it made you want to know about that kind of love and it made you want to find that in yourself?

This is such a simple childish illustration, but it is one that has remained with me all my life. When I was in grade school when the bell rang for recess, certain of us would rush out to get on this one particular piece of playground equipment that everyone preferred. We would all try to grab onto it and there were only so many positions available. Well, I succeeded in securing mine and all the positions were filled but there still were others standing there that were left out and disappointed. And this girl named Carla turned to another standing by and left out and said, "Here you can have my place". Now I was supposed to be this little Christian girl that knew the Lord, but Carla demonstrated real love and I only professed it. Carla always had a very kind and loving nature and her love convicted my heart, but it also made me want to know how to find that in myself.


Sunday, February 12, 2006

God Is Looking for Gold not Glam

I have heard it said that when Mercedes Benz makes a car, before putting it on the road for use, they put it through various types of tests to make sure it will perform well.

Job said, "When I am tried I will come forth as pure gold." God wants Gold, not glam.

Something beautiful, yes, but what is crafted for the long haul and can stay the course, not just adorned or gifted with a few flesh pleasing extras.

"I counsel you to purchase (it will cost you something) from Me gold refined and tested by fire, that you may be [truly] wealthy.." Rev. 3:18

It will cost us all that we are for all that he is.

"What is to give light must endure burning."

Saturday, February 11, 2006

The Giver and the Taker

There is a thought that our Bro. Keny shares that I really see truth in and I wanted to make a further comment on it here. And that is on the verse:

"The Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world."

Stepping into the light of our brother and looking through his eyes, I can see how sin can be defined as immaturity.

I'm sure most all of us know that the word sin, carries the actual meaning of 'missing the mark' as when an arrow is shot. It falls short of the intended target. So, it is falling short of its glory, the bullseye. So, we could say that it is too short, or immature.

He has also pointed out that forgiveness of sins is not the same as removal of sins and the spirit quickened to my mind this illustration:

My son as a 10 year old can be forgiven his immaturity, but I can't remove that immaturity from him, only he can do that by growing up.

I gave him my life, but he gives that life a living in himself. So the life I gave him lives now as him. This is what I hear in our brother's sharing with us along these lines of how our Father breathed into man and man became a living soul, but our Father's destiny for his creation was to be a life-giving spirit.

So there is a giver and a taker. The giver of Life is our Creator, and the taker, the under-taker [just a play on words :)] is the receiver of that Life that takes it and grows it up into the full stature of his Father able then to himself father children.

What takes away the sin (immaturity) of the world? The son who grows up. The immaturity is swallowed up of Life and takes it away in actuality.

The Promise becomes the Provision.

Just a few thoughts,

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Latter RAIN, the Latter REIGN & the Latter REIN

Everywhere you look, you can see:

Jesus ---Christ----Lord

1. For from him
2. and through him
3. and to him
are all things.

1. For all things orginate with him and come from him
2. all things live through him
3. all things center in and tend to consummate and to end in him. Rom. 11


Exactly 58 years ago this month, there was a visitation of God that swept through the Christian world. It was not given to or understood by the unenlightend world but was to restore and begin to realign the Body of Christ with the purposes of God for this time.

The church had gone into the dark ages in the years before, and had for some time had a remnant coming back into their God-given inheritance. The Holy Spirit baptism was restored and poured out afresh in the Azusa St. meetings earlier in the century (1900's), but God had more to reveal and restore of Himself to the church. And I would dare to say without reservation that just such a truth is real for today.

My Mother came to God and was filled with the spirit with the gifts working in her during that great outpouring. I was there in the midst of all of it as a child, but my spirit man was not dwarfed as my body was at that time. It received and understood fully that the rain of that time was only the seed beginning of the great storm that would envelope the church first, and world at large, in such a deluge that there would never be "dry land" again.

And God said, Let there be a firmament [the expanse of the sky] in the midst of the waters; and let it separate the waters below from the waters above.

And God called the firmament Heavens. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day.

And God said, Let the waters under the heavens be collected into one place, and let the dry land appear. And it was done."
And God called the dry land Earth.." Gen. 1

The first man was created out of "dry land" ie. dust.

"The first man was from out of earth, made of dust - earth minded.

And just as we have borne the image of the [man] of dust, so shall we and so let us also bear the image of the [Man] of heaven." 1 Cor. 15

The Man of heaven is the "Rain" of God, the waters above. The glory of God that shall cover the earth as the[earthly waters] waters cover the seas.

Just as the earthly understanding covers the "seas" [all the peoples and nations] the "Rain" of God shall cover the earth [the man of dust] making him a well watered garden of God which brings forth much fruit.

The following is a report of the beginnings of the latter rain outpouring of God:

"Latter Rain Outpouring

“I have heard it explained like this, the latter rain, the latter reign and the latter rein; first the spiritual outpouring, then the spirit and Bride says come in power and authority and then the ingathering.”

I now quote from a report written by one of the ministries who was a student and who was present at the time the revival broke. "For many years great numbers of consecrated Christians had been fasting and praying for long seasons that God would restore the gifts of the Spirit to the Church. In 1947 in the month of September several of the brethren were led of the Lord to open Sharon Bible College in North Battleford, Canada. The opening of the school brought a great burden for fasting and prayer upon all of the students and the staff. This settled down until it seemed that not a day passed by for months unless some were in fasting and prayer. Some fasted for three days; some for seven; some fasted for ten days; some for two weeks; some for three weeks; some for thirty days; and one man fasted for forty days. After many weeks of serious fasting and prayer, came the eleventh day of February, 1948. I shall never forget those days as long as I live. How the Spirit of the Lord came down was indescribable!

"I remember a prophecy being given by one of the young women in the Bible School, saying that we were on the verge of a great Move of God, and that all we had to do was enter the door - but I said, 'Father, we do not know where the door is, neither do we know how to enter it.' It was on the twelfth day of February that God showed us by the Spirit how to enter in through this door. On that morning one of the teachers rose to prophesy. All of the students were kneeling. He prophesied by the Spirit of God for about half an hour. During the prophecy, He called the whole school to great reverence and said that we must walk in the fear of God. Then there was a warning that we should not mention to anyone what was transpiring at the school. As the prophecy went on, these earth-shaking words were given by the Spirit of God: "Remove the shoes from off thy feet for the ground upon which thou standeth is holy this time I will restore unto my church all nine gifts of the spirit, and they shall be given by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the prebytery." This we knew was according to the Word of God, but we had not been able to understand it until the moment when it was revealed by the Spirit of God. The prophecy went on to say, 'I will indicate from time to time by My Spirit they that should be called to be prayed over to receive their gifts of the Spirit.'

"The next day, February 13, we searched the Word of God practically all day to see if these things that had been prophesied were according to God's Word. We found that Paul had said to Timothy, 'Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery...' (Tim. 4:14). And, 'Stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the laying on of my hands' (II Tim. 1:6). We found how that king Saul had received the gift of prophecy by having this gift prophesied to him by Samuel. We saw how Joshua had received the Word of Wisdom when Moses laid his hands upon him. We read how Paul wrote to the Romans, 'For I long to see you that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift...' (Rom. 1:11).

"On the fourteenth day of February - I can never begin to properly describe the things that happened on that day. It seemed that all Heaven broke loose upon our souls and Heaven came down to greet us. The power and glory of God was indescribable. Men and women were prophesied over and received the various gifts of the Spirit. To some it was prophesied that they would receive the gift of healing and immediately they began to heal the sick. Discernment of spirits was given and the influence of evil spirits was discerned, and these evil spirits were cast out. Some received the gift of faith, and faith began to operate mightily in our midst. Men and women prophesied like a mighty river. Heaven had truly come down to meet us. We sang new songs in the Spirit, songs that had never been sung before. Soon the multitudes were coming to North Battleford from the north, the south, east, and west. A new day arrived for the people of God. This was only the beginning!

"Soon the Lord restored unto us the ministries of apostles and prophets. All traditions and man-made divisions (denominations) were left behind. The elect remnant of God from the four winds were beginning to come together, destined to go on to perfection, ultimately to be filled with all the fullness of God and finally to stand in the last day as manifested sons of God, prepared to rule and reign in His glorious Kingdom. From now on we would be known only as 'Christians.' The last day 'Move of God,' the restoration spoken of by all the holy apostles, had begun. Its power and influence would grow until one day it would fill the whole earth. God would require of us a level of consecration and dedication never before dreamed of. We ceased to build our own little man-made kingdoms and began together to build the Kingdom of God. That was how it all began. There was much more that we would yet learn over the years" -end quote.

The effect of the move of God that began in Canada in 1948 soon spread around the whole world, and there are few places that have not felt its power in one way or another. It swept across North America, and over the continent of Europe; and also through Latin America, far away India, New Zealand, Australia, Korea and portions of Africa. God has done a great and mighty thing, but this is only the beginning. A mighty army of saints is in preparation as overcomers to take the Kingdom and rule and reign with Christ over the nations. Events of immense magnitude and universal significance loom bright upon the horizon!

Every revival, or time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord began with a visitation from God expressed in a firstfruit people who tapped a high vibration of praise and worship. In 1949 in Tulsa, Oklahoma a minister had purchased a large tabernacle down town and preached every night for months to two or three women. One night before service, he sat in his office with his head in his hands, discouraged, not knowing what to do. Someone came running in shouting, "You won't believe this!" He arose and walked to the auditorium and saw the place was packed. A little woman far in the back began to prophesy through song, "This is the latter rain the Lord has promised unto thee." From that a worship broke forth in the people and for eight months, night and day, God appeared in one of the greatest visitations since the day of Pentecost. The newspaper reported that one night a neighbor sitting on his front porch looked over and saw fire on top of the building. He called the fire wagons, but there was no natural fire to be found. Something sat on that building as cloven tongues of fire and that is how the latter rain began in that city.

In those glory days at the beginning of the latter rain cloudburst, as the saints were gathered together by the Spirit and in the power of God, the entire gathering, whether ten or ten thousand in number, would all break forth into spiritual songs and psalms and hymns, and would all sing the same song BY THAT SAME SPIRIT. One brother related the example of a large congregation singing Handel's Messiah, from beginning to end, singing every word and every note in divine harmony, under the anointing of the Spirit, although no one in the congregation knew Handel's Messiah. The Lord also revealed that as He was able to teach a gathering of believers to sing the Messiah, repeating every word and note in correct harmony, SO IS HE ABLE TO TEACH HIS PEOPLE TRUTH AND A PROPER UNDERSTANDING OF THE MYSTERIES OF THE KINGDOM. And when the Holy Spirit imparts truth to His people, that truth becomes LIFE which can never be taken away from them. Glory!

The Word of God is very clear in its teaching, and both Old Testament and New Testament history confirm the fact that all the great revivals and movings and manifestations of the Lord through past centuries were the result of prevailing prayer and intercession and fasting."

Monday, February 06, 2006

From God All in One to God All in all

From God All in One to God All in all

- God All In One.....all in Himself, Self contained - pre-creation

- God In All.....creation….the Word, Christ the Life being the Light IN all.

- God All In All......God, everything in everyone... “For Christ must be King and reign UNTIL He has put all enemies under His feet….However, WHEN EVERYTHING is subjected to Him, then the Son Himself will also subject Himself to the Father Who put all things under Him, so that God may be all in all – that is, be everything to everyone, supreme, the indwelling and controlling factor of life.”

Christ IN YOU is the hope of Glory


Christ AS YOU is the Glory

God is going to have a people, a creation that does not just function under imputed righteousness…having someone else do it for you which is the only message that the church has been taught up until this time, because they did not know that they were to grow in their understanding and experience to stand as the collective Jesus Christ the Lord themselves in this earth with every power and ability of their Father.

Sitting at the last supper just prior to his crucifixion and resurrection Jesus said to the disciples after Judas had departed (something significant in that, but we'll get sidetracked if we go into that) Jesus said:

"Now is the Son of Man glorified! - Now He has ACHIEVED His glory, His honor, His exaltation; and God has been glorified through and IN Him.

And if God is glorified through and IN Him, God will also glorify Him (Jesus the Son) at once and not delay. John 17

Do you see the difference here where God is glorified IN the Son


Where the Son is to be glorified AS God?

The glorification of God, not just in us but as us is when

GOD IS THE ALL in all…..everything in everyone…when .everything that God is has free reign in a people to be expressed fully.

This is when you no longer have to say, I am not this body....don't look at me, for there will be nothing about you that ever demonstrates any thing less than the perfection of God.

Jesus went on to say in John 17:

"I do not ask that you will take them out of the world, but that you will keep and protect them from the evil.

They are not of the world (worldly) just as I am not of the world.


MAKE THEM HOLY - BY THE TRUTH. Your Word is Truth.”

And Jesus defined just what our glorification is:

"All mine are Yours, and all that are Yours belong to Me; and I am glorified in (through) them - they have done Me honor, in them My glory is achieved.

Jesus comes into the fullness of his glory through us!

The progression is spelled out quite simply in Romans 8:

“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time (this present life) are not worth being compared with the glory that is about to be revealed

And conferred

To us- this is the ability to see in the spirit – you first see the glory by revelation truth.

In us – this glory Word working mightily in us

For us – the glory is for us…”If God be ‘for’ us who can be against us?”

On us – not just in us, but on us…from inner to outer making us As Him completely.

Praise God for the real Good News Gospel and such great Love usward! \o/

Friday, February 03, 2006

How, Now ??

I just wanted to share some thoughts on the “how” versus the “what”.

We have had the “what” down pretty good. In other words, we have had our revelations and catching up experiences in God and have seen “the what” of our inheritance in Christ. This is our mountain top experiences in the spirit. The visions, the dreams, the glories, the ecstasy, the joy, the peace…..the heavens, in other words.

But it is not in the heavens that you learn “the how” of our walk in God. It is in the valley where you learn how to dress yourself in your heavens.

It is when the police come knocking on your door to tell you that your only daughter and grandchild have just been killed in a car crash. This scenario just happened here a couple of weeks ago to friends of our family here. They buried this young mother with her baby in her arms.

How do you take your great revelations of the spirit and bring it into this experience?

When your only daughter comes to you to tell you that she is a lesbian and goes on to live the gay lifestyle and your hopes and dreams for her and for her ever producing some lovely grandchildren for you to love are dashed  Are you able to now take your mountain top glory and translate it into unconditional love losing all your judgment for her and all others of like mind?

When you are the single mother of three young children trying to survive after your husband runs off with someone else leaving you alone with all the responsibility and you find you have more month left than money and you can either feed your kids or else pay the electric bill and you opt for feeding the little ones and your electric is turned off. Do you light a few candles, keep the faith and keep moving on?

When your child is taken with a terminal disease and you ask everyone to pray with you for their healing but they are not raised up but you see others who are experiencing miracles for their family members, how do you bring the glory of your catching up experience into this loss without becoming bitter or disappointed in God or life?

When you and your mate are in the throes of a heated disagreement about something, and you are not exactly jumping up and down and shouting ‘glory’ and speaking in tongues, but perhaps you feel like jumping up and down and shouting something else all together , are you able to remember who you really are in Christ and be exercised by that knowledge instead of being knocked out consciously in the moment?

There are a hundred more illustrations that could be drawn by any one of us to define some of these experiences and I know there are many who have already passed through many of these life experiences, so this is not about suggesting that this is not already accomplished in some but to make a point.

This is where the fishes, the birds and the beasts of our earth are tamed or subdued that the Genesis 1 mandate gives us.

This is where we are given the privilege of bringing heaven into earth – our individual world or earth first of all, which actually also makes a deposit of life into the collective consciousness of the all.

This to me is what Jesus meant when he said, “He that overcomes, I will grant to sit beside me on my throne, as I Myself overcame and sat down beside My Father on His throne.” Rev.3

Even Paul tried to get this point across to all – that even with all the revelations and catching up into the 3rd heaven that he had experienced he still had to deal with what it meant to fight the beasts at Ephesus, to be stoned and left for dead, beaten and thrown in prison, rejected and thought the refuse of the earth and to still learn how to be an overcomer and content in God in all these things.

God doesn’t take you over when you are going through these things and force himself upon you – but you with the tools of his glory that you have been given have to build a house for God to dwell in here. When we were a child, we might have gotten everything done for us, but as full grown god men we have to learn to actualize our truth.

This to me is the “how” of the “what”.

This is also what I believe some are trying to share with us about being mature in our walk not just in our revelations. We actually become it, we don’t just ‘have’ it. We are Joy, we are Peace, we are Longsuffering, we are Gentleness, we are Kindness. And this earthly valley is our dressing room for putting on these lovely garments.

And with these gloriously outfitted Lovers, God wills to mirror to creation their own beauty when they behold themselves in us.

Well, I guess I will have to say that I desire to be a “howsie” not just a “nowsie”…

Heart to heart,