Saturday, February 11, 2006

The Giver and the Taker

There is a thought that our Bro. Keny shares that I really see truth in and I wanted to make a further comment on it here. And that is on the verse:

"The Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world."

Stepping into the light of our brother and looking through his eyes, I can see how sin can be defined as immaturity.

I'm sure most all of us know that the word sin, carries the actual meaning of 'missing the mark' as when an arrow is shot. It falls short of the intended target. So, it is falling short of its glory, the bullseye. So, we could say that it is too short, or immature.

He has also pointed out that forgiveness of sins is not the same as removal of sins and the spirit quickened to my mind this illustration:

My son as a 10 year old can be forgiven his immaturity, but I can't remove that immaturity from him, only he can do that by growing up.

I gave him my life, but he gives that life a living in himself. So the life I gave him lives now as him. This is what I hear in our brother's sharing with us along these lines of how our Father breathed into man and man became a living soul, but our Father's destiny for his creation was to be a life-giving spirit.

So there is a giver and a taker. The giver of Life is our Creator, and the taker, the under-taker [just a play on words :)] is the receiver of that Life that takes it and grows it up into the full stature of his Father able then to himself father children.

What takes away the sin (immaturity) of the world? The son who grows up. The immaturity is swallowed up of Life and takes it away in actuality.

The Promise becomes the Provision.

Just a few thoughts,

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