Monday, January 31, 2011

Mirror, Mirror On the Wall

Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who's the fairest of them all?
Is it the one looking back at Me
Or is it the One reflected in the mirror
Who is looking at thee?

Step a little closer, and closer yet
Come on in the mirror with me
Look through my eyes and you will see
It is really I looking at thee seeing Me.

You are my reflection and I am yours
We are not separate as this mirror suggests
The mirror of mind has distorted the view
Making you think the I Am of Me is not your real You.

But the dark glass of distorted view
Has been cleansed and polished by my spirit true.
It now has become transparent as glass
It's opaqueness, now, finally gone at last.

Come on and look, My Fairest of All
Look now at this Mirror of Me on the wall.
See if you can see any blemishes at all
In this clear glass of my real All.

You will behold what once appeared as two
Was just a mirage creating this view.
But that has all changed when the mind's mirror dissolved
Revealing My True Love, My Fairest ONE of all.

Yours truly,


"For if your ego is a reflection of spirit, then even at its core, your ego is spirit. It is distinct from spirit as the image in a mirror is distinct from the object being reflected, but without the one there would not be the other. When the reflective glass of your material biology - and your understanding of it - is clear and clean, both ego and spirit benefit from a world perceived anew."

Ken Carey
The Third Millenium

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