Friday, May 27, 2011

The Friendly Foe or The Second Death - Part 5

by Dora Van Assen


When God lowered creation into vanity (uselessness), He did it in hope.  He gave man a hope.  Without hope we would go crazy- even God!  God has a hope or expectation for creation.  It is His plan to bring creation through this subjecting experience until all is pure even as He is pure.  All is of God, all is going through God's filter; like coffee in a Mr. Coffe maker, until nothing is left but God!  God has faith in His own creation.!!

It is this hope that is causing all creation to travail together in birth pangs for deliverance.  "For we are aware that the entire creation is groaning and travailing together until now."  Rom. 8:22 LCNT.  It is now that we are realizing that all creation is one unit, so closely knit and entertwined it cannot be divided.  We are all part of each other - The Great Body of God, "all live and move and have their being in God."  Acts 17:28

Dear Ones, "We ourselves who have the first fruits of the Spirit, are groaning in ourselves, awaiting our SONSHIP, the deliverance of our body."  Rom. 8:23 LCNT  The King James Version uses the word "adoption", which means in the Greek, the placing of a Son in a place of authority in the household and the business of his father.  He was always a son but now he becomes a manifestation his his father in the community.  He represents his father as a grown-up person.  We are "groaning inwardly as we wait for the redemption of our bodies (from sensuality and the grave), which will reveal our adoption (our manifestation as God's sons)"  Rom. 8:23 AMP  This is what all creation is waiting for, that they too may be delivered.  "For to expectation were we saved."  Rom. 8:24 LCNT  "For in (this) hope were we saved. Rom 8: 24 AMP

In this scripture, in its true translation, Christ is awakening in my heart and mind that God Himself placed this EXPECTATION and desire in me to be a SON, MANIFESTED to all creation.  That He is groaning in and through me, and we are all groaning together.  "I do not know what I should pray for as I ought, but the SPIRIT itself maketh intercession for me in groaning that cannot be uttered.  Rom. 8:26-27.  It is becoming a burning desire not only to save myself, but to save all who hear and SEE ME.  To see Him is to be like Him.  When others hear and see Christ in me, they too will desire Him.  This is not my words or my work, it is the work of Christ in me.  "Look well to youself (to your own personality) and to your teaching: presevere in these things - hold to them. for by so dong you will save yourself and those who hear you.  1 Tim. 4:16  We are called to be saviors!

My life is hid with Christ in God, and when Christ, who is my true life appears, I shall appear with Him in glory; One New Man, having all His power and attributes, radiating out to all humanity.  This is taking place now.  It's written: We are groaning for its release.

THIS IS THE ORDER (1Cor. 15:20-24)

1.  "Christ the First Fruits" - The Head

2.  Then "those who are Christ's at His coming" not from heaven above, but from within; awakening our mind to His presence, making us One New Mind - The Mind of Christ- in every living stone making up HIS BODY.  Head and Body complete, One Corporate Man ready to be manifest to creation.

3.  "Then Cometh the End."  Not the end of the world, but the End of the Harvest, which is the result of the Seed of Christ planted in the heart of every man.  The First Fruit is not the whole harvest.  They are the Seed that appears (ripen first) as a sign that all the rest of the harvest will be ripened and reaped, each in their own order and time.

Christ, the first fruit, and those who are Christ's at His coming, are one body, The Head and Body of Christ.  They are manifested together as one complete body.  No body is complete without a head, and no head is complete in itself.  It needs a body.  Even so Christ is completed in His Body of Christ in the earth or visible realm.  Though Jesus was made both Lord and Christ, He needs a body to reveal Himself.  We cannot see Him for He is : "the King Eternal, invisible, immortal, the only wise God." 1Tim. 1:17.  "Who only has immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; who no man hath seen nor can see."  1 Tim. 6:16.  Jesus, THE MAN, is invisible - though He is immortal, He is waiting for His body to be completed.  "When He appears we also appear with Him, and are glorified together with Him.  Col 3:4.  "If we are children, then we are heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ: if so be that we suffer with Him, (die to self -The Second Death) that we may be also glorified together.  The suffering is not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us."  Rom. 8:17-18.

This is why Jesus is still waiting on us.  "Whom the heavens must receive (retain -hold in same place) until the times of restoration of all things."  Acts 3:21.  First the head and body of Christ are restored together as one whole man, then all creation is released and restored in and through the Manifestation of The Sons of God ministry.  They stand in Christ stead, unveiled as Christ, before all creation, saying unto all, "Come and drink of the water of life freely!"  "BE YE RECONCILED TO GOD!"  This will bring to pass the saying: "O Death where is thy sting?  O grave where is thy victory?  The whole creation delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the Sons of God."  Rom. 8:21, 1 Cor. 15:55.  The Grand Plan of God's Redemption fulfilled in all the Universe.

But you ask, "When do we reign with Christ a thousand years?"  We are reigning with Him now in this age of flesh.  The King is in His Kingdom within us.  The Body of Christ is The Kingdom of God in the earth - "the treasure hid in a field (world); and the leaven hid in three measures of meal, till the whole lump is leavened."  The lump is the universe; heaven, earth and under the earth.  Matt. 13:33, 44-45.  "The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and His Christ, and He shall reign for the ages of the ages. Rev. 11:15.  We do not know how long this period will be, but it will end.  "For He must reign till all enemies are put under His feet. The feet of His Body (till denotes ending or ceasing).  "The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death." [there is only one way to destroy death - that is by making all alive!] There is only one way to destroy darkness, by turning on the light!  The work of Christ in and through His Body - The Manifested Sons, will go on until the whole universe has the Light and Life of Christ. 1 Cor. 15:24-28.

So we do not destroy the Kingdoms of this world, but we save them.  We woo creation as a Bridegroom woos his Bride.  These Kingdoms become or (are converted) and become a very part of Himself.  As The Bride of Christ, they also enter The Kingdom of The Son of His Love.

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