Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The High Spin of Spirit

God is the outside and the inside of everything that exists. He is the center and circumference of all things. A "thing" is spirit slowed down to take on visibility. Jesus was called that "Holy Thing" when formed in the womb of Mary. The Word slowed down to be made flesh.

All things are spirit (Energy) vibrations which spin or are held in different frequencies to take on visibility.

Your body is the densest and slowest, that is why it must put on immortality to function in the higher callings of God....it cannot hold or maintain the higher spin of the Life frequency. And because it spins at a slower or lower frequency it is buffeted by the frictions it encounters in this realm of gravity (grave -death realm) and succumbs in time to a slower and slower spin which results in decay and death. But even in this, nothing is lost, for energy cannot be lost - it merely changes form.

The soul is more fluid (less dense) -consciousness is a higher spin. Thoughts can come and go in any direction and be anywhere they choose to be, unlike the body. They are not even bound by time, as they can travel into the past, project themselves into the future or can choose to be aware of the present. But they only manifest Life when they are being lead by the spirit or when their intent is set by the highest purpose of the spirit man.

Our Spirit is unlimited and unbound, the highest frequency - Omnipresent, and yet presents ItSelf as The Presence or Breath of God within us. It is this Higher Frequency that is being brought to bear upon or reconciling the slower denser spins of energy of our soul and body which will reveal or manifest a body like unto His glorious resurrection body when they are brought up to match the High Spin of our Spirit.

Just offering a paragraph or two out of my book of life.
Love, Karen

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