Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Oil +Fire= Light

Oil is the spirit... The fire (flame) produces the LIGHT. (2 witnesses)
Like that one...John the Baptist said there was one coming after him who would baptize us with the Holy Ghost AND Fire. What good would the oil do us unless it has been ignited and set you said, there is no light without the fire.

Hallelujah, he not only fills you with his spirit (oil) but he lights our fire !! - divine quickening....and then we are able to let our little light shine.

"The house of Jacob shall be a fire and the house of Joseph (who was given the birthright) a flame, but the house of Esau (man of flesh) shall be stubble, they shall kindle and burn them and consume them, and there shall be no survivor of the house of Esau, for the Lord has spoken it." Obadiah 18

Love, Karen


"Moses also reminds Israel of their refusal to "go up the mountain" (5:5). In the account given in Exodus 20:18-21, it is unclear as to whether God was inviting them to go UP the mountain, or simply to stand their ground and listen to His words. But here we see clearly that they had been invited to go up the mountain, even as Moses had gone up. Ferrar Fenton translates this passage, "you were afraid at the presence of the fire and could not ascend to Him."

Their fear limited their ability to hear and obey God's voice. Their refusal to ascend the mount meant that the law would not be written on their hearts by the voice and fire of God. They would have to receive the law on external tablets of stone, so that they could study the word from a distance. Since then, the only way for the law to be transferred to their hearts is for men to overcome their fear of fire and to receive that baptism of fire that changes men's character and gives them the mind of Christ."  Stephen Jones

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