Sunday, February 01, 2015

God's Investment Plan

We have an active part to play as emissaries of God in this world.

God has invested himself in his creation and expects a full return upon his investment.

Each of us are automomous creators and are creating all the time, whether we realize it or not. autonomous means: able to choose: able to make decisions and act on them "Choose you this day whom you will serve, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

If you never exercise these senses, they remain stunted, undeveloped and will wither or atrophy, just as the parable of the sower told us. The birds will steal them, or the hard ground will dry them up and blow them away. Yes, I know that it is "God that worketh in us both to will and to do his good pleasure". The One that wills to do his pleasure is SPIRIT but The One that carries that will out and does his good pleasure is US as him.

Again, there are two parts to the equation. One wills and one does. One is your heavens and one is your earth. Together they manifest The Most High God, Possessor of Heaven and Earth.

In the beginning it says God created the heavens and earth. Gen 1:1 They were One before there was any division. As long as our earth manifests one thing and our heavens declare something else, we are still in duality. They have not become One.

It seems that some are drawn to one or the other of these positions. I see complete truth in both. And find no fault in either.

When the Holy Spirit wants to get our attention about something, it seems for awhile that we catch the pendulum of truth as it swings its widest. We have ministries that have caught the vision about how we are complete in him and are as he is and for awhile that is all we hear or see and as it witnesses in us, it becomes our truth as well. But along comes another member of the body sharing what that 'joint' in the body is to supply and has had God make real in them, and it is a swing of the pendulum all the way on the other side of what we know to be our truth. And our first reactions are to discount it for it doens't fit with what we are sure is the complete truth we know. But if what is true in my heavens never makes an appearance in my earth, then the glory that has been assured us that is to come and cover all the earth as the waters cover the sea, is not realized or we come short of the glory of God. And to come short of the glory of God is to sin or miss the mark.

Now who set the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus? What is the high water mark? When Paul said , "I die daily", I believe he was trying to describe what happens when you participate with the word of life that you are hearing. This is not your old unregenerated man doing this, but your enchristed spirit that has been joined to the Lord. He stands knocking at the door, NOT FOR US TO LET HIM IN, as the church teaches, but he stands at the door knocking TO BE LET OUT!!!! Let out into the all the earth, Our Earth!

And because spirit is invisible, the only things that brings form to that invisibility is you, the created. You become THE WAY, THE TRUTH and THE LIFE manifested - Just as our pattern taught us and did.

Remember only the land that the Israelites put their feet on became theirs. God went before them which would be the anointing of the spirit that empowers us, but they had to pick their feet up and walk with that leading. And, no, I do not think that we are to hate our flesh, and all of the things and experiences it has had to take on in this life. It was as much a part of the plan to make us into a visible representation of God in this earth, as our spirit is. Some of our strongest anointing will come from our greatest weakenesses when they have worked a humble and contrite spirit in us and will make us compassionate priests.

So, am I perfect as my Father in heaven is perfect? My spirit declares Yea, and amen! When my Earth fully demonstrates it, then we will say that the "sower has overtaken the reaper, and the treader of grapes him who sows the seed; and the mountains(our heavens) shall drop sweet wine, and all the hills shall melt [that is everything heretofore barren and unfruitful (our bodies) shall overflow with spiritual blessing]. Amos 9:13

Who is the sower? God.

Who is the reaper? Man.

What does the merging of the two as one make? The New Creation Man, Creator and Created - Lover and Loved - indivisible bliss!

Love and Joy,

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