Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Going In To Come Out!

I always loved the teachings about the tabernacle and the different realms they defined for us at many levels in fact, so these truths have been delicious to feast upon.

As we know the OT is the shadow of things to come or it is a reflection of the New, so when we look into that mirror things are turned around from their true perspective. My right ear, for instance, appears to be my left when I look into a mirror. The journey into the Shekinah Presence in the OT started on the outside and progressed inward toward the Holy of Holies.

But the New tells us to "work OUT our salvation". I hear a truth in that beyond its face value. We have never been outside of God or in the outer court except in consciousness or what we call the fall of Adam or Adam's dream. And we have experienced it all, the good, the bad and the ugly.

"But you that were sometimes alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled." Col. 1:21

We have thoroughly explored this dream or more likely, this nightmare in an unconscious state. And when I say an unconscious state, I mean we were the Christ asleep in the ship as the story relates. The disciples, those 12 attributes called love, faith, and strength, etc. awakened the sleeping Christ and he spoke peace to the winds and waves of our storm tossed minds. We were then awake To the Dream. We regained our identity as a Son or expression of the Father. Those dreamers who wake up inside their own dreams and realize they are dreaming or making up all the scenarios are called lucid dreamers. They then can redirect this dream from being a nightmare to splenderous glory.

Jesus was the first fruits of this resurrection and we have been his many membered ONE who is awakening or resurrecting fully In The Dream.

The OT tabernacle divisions might also be compared to our sleep patterns and show how when we wake up we ascend up out of deep sleep through the different stages: Delta, deepest sleep; on up to Theta, then Alpha which is just below full wakefulness, and then Beta the fully awake,
1.outside the Outer Court,
2.the Outer Court,
3.the Holy Place and
4.The Most Holy Place.
Spiritually that finds us in the Holy of Holies.

But we are to "Work Out" this salvation. Work it from the Inside, Out! Spirit, soul and body. This Glorious One is coming FROM the Holy of Holies to the uttermost parts of the Earth!! Until every man knows this Glory from the least to the greatest.

God help us get in the Holy of Holies fully and consciously but Oh, God, this Womb of the Morning, this Most Holy Pregnant Place, is going to burst forth with a fully formed Glorious ManChild with eyes that flame with the fire of Divine Love mesmerizing all who whose gaze it falls upon and His melodious many faceted voice will sing a love song and make a vibration that all hearts will be compelled to entrain with.

Were going IN to Come Out!!

Glorious glory,