Thursday, June 08, 2006

The First Noel - decoded

"Let me paint a picture for a moment. An angel comes to Mary, a messenger is the right interpretation. Not a being with fluffy wings as usually thought, but I would like to suggest that this was the divine thought of God that came to her. Her higher thought came to her and Mary was not doing well with that thought because it didn't fit her culture or her religion, or what it meant to be a woman. Have you ever had a thought come into your awareness while in meditation and your ego say, "Oh no, I don't believe that." We won't even entertain that thought because it doesn't fit our precious spiritual concepts. That's the way Mary was.

Mary represents our minds that are trying to receive truth from a higher place within us and is having trouble receiving the information. Mary say "How can this be, seeing I know not a man?"

So, Mary needed a little help and the Holy Spirit is called in to prepare the mind of Mary for penetration. The Holy spirit represented the foreplay or what it took for the womb of the mind to become opened to a new suggestion from the higher part of her mind that was not part of preconceived concepts.

The passage now says that the Most High overshadowed her. By interpretation this name for God is El Elyon in the original. So in the past there was El Shaddai and Yahweh and now we have El Elyon showing up. The Most High overshadowed her and the conception took place and the very seed of God was placed in the consciouness of the species first in a woman.

As you take this concept out of its historical meaning and bring it in the house, we can see how we still need the Holy Spirit to prepare our minds to receive the overshadowing of the higher self. We can see how this higher spiritual part of the mind that has not been penetrated is being called virgin. It has not been penetrated by culture or religion and not even by your own ancestral genetics.

There is such a pure place of self that can only receive what is already inside of you and will never open up to that that originates from the outside. This higher mind or virgin will never produce the seed of this world but is there only to produce the seed of God.

This is not happening in just the one man called Jesus Christ. We honor Jesus as the first to produce that seed at the cellular level, hence the human resurrection.

The whole idea of a physical and biological resurrection is the fact that Jesus brought forth a biology at the frequency of his own spirit. So the body part of him could say, just as much as the spirit part of him, “I AM, touch me. I am no longer hidden inside this body that is the product of many earthly seeds; I am the product of one seed.”

excerpt of "The Seed was First in A Woman" by David Hulse

The whole idea of a physical and biological resurrection is the fact that Jesus brought forth a biology at the frequency of his own spirit

Unless our biology is made equal to the frequency of our spirit it will not be able to hold the greater glory or to put it bluntly, we will die in our immaturity....the seed not having made it to full bloom.

"These all died, controlled and sustained by their faith, but not having received the tangible fulfillment of [God's] promises, only having seen it and greeted it from a great distance by faith, and all the while acknowledging and confessing that they were strangers and temporary residents and exiles upon the earth. And all of these, though they won divine approval by [means of] their faith, did not receive the fulfillment of what was promised,
Because God had us in mind and had something better and greater in view for us, so that they should not come to perfection (maturity) apart from us, [that is before we could join them].

Unless our earth or our flesh is now made word as we once were the word made flesh, it will not be able to reveal the greater glory.

"The whole creation groans and travails for the manifestation of the sons of God". Now bring that passage in the house, and it can be seen as the creation man, my flesh, groans to be delivered from its denseness and limitation into the glorious liberty of the son of god that my spirit man is...a joint heir with equal heir with Christ.

Some more of my ponderings as we become the first collective Noel....That Holy Thing


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