Monday, March 19, 2007

Adam Only a Prefigure of He Who Was To Come

Adam only a Prefigure of Him
"Yet death held sway from Adam to Moses, even over those who did not themselves transgress [a positive command] as Adam did. Adam was a type (prefigure) of the One who was to come." Rom. 5:14

Christ's spirit has been, and is now, bubbling beneath every human illusion. It is your spirit, our spirit, the spirit of the family of eternal god-beings to which we belong.

Our prototypes (earthly) incarnated initially in Eden, but as a species, as a global human family, we have yet to fully enter the earth. We are the generation who will incarnate for the first time.

The "I" that is Christ is dotted by every "we" in humanity.” Quote by Ken Carey

We have not been here consciously or in full awareness of our Christhood, so just as we refer to someone who is not quite 'with it' intellectually as "not being all there", we have not been all here either. So many believe that our hope for a better tomorrow is after we leave this dimension, and I do understand and hear the cry of the heart, but dear ones we have never been "all here" yet. The suffering generated by the God of this world, the carnal mind and all the ghastly conditions it creates, will be reversed by a people who are Creators of the New Heaven and the New Earth. And it takes a birth, a collective birth of which the singular Jesus only prefigured, just as "Adam was only a figure of he that was to come".

Individually, as awakened and alive cells in the body of God we create islands of the future....havens of rest....cities of refuge.....or WE now prefigure those who are to come, the whole Body of God alive and awake and here for the first time! No wonder, the Beloved Revelator said the Spirit and the Bride say, Come! This is the true second coming of the Lord. A collective Body of Christ beings.

Much love,

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