Saturday, February 18, 2006

Treasures New and Treasures Old

Matt. 13: 52
“He said to them, Therefore every teacher and interpreter of the Sacred Writings who has been instructed and trained for the kingdom of heaven and become a disciple, is like a householder who brings forth out of his storehouse treasure that is new and [treasure that is] old – the fresh [as well as] the familiar.”

I love sharing some of the newer more present understandings of truth that is coming out today, at least the little that I do grasp some of them - Things about the DNA, quantum science’s teaching of the implicate and the explicate orders of things, how all things are really energy that vibrates at different frequencies holding them in certain patterns and how energy speeded up becomes Light and slowed down takes on matter or visibility. I hear spirit in all of this. And I feel that if Jesus the man had appeared in this day instead of 2000 years ago, he may have taught more from this perspective or present truth scenario than in just stories about seeds and harvests and the parables or veiled truth that he used then. But he did promise that the time would come that he would no longer speak in figures of speech such as this, but would tell us plainly of the Father without using veiled stories. John 16

But That Jesus IS here! We are the harvest of the singular seed Jesus that was planted in the earth, our earth. Isaiah said “he was cut off out of the land of the living and who would declare his generation”. Well, we are his generation, his spiritual offspring that would prolong his days and that the will and pleasure of the Lord would prosper in His hand. That would be Us. We are his hands, his feet, and His Body. And “he would see the travail of his soul and be most satisfied…by his knowledge of himself, [knowing who you are in God] shall My righteous One, My Servant justify and make many righteous” [bring many sons to glory]

But most of the Christian world is still locked into the letter of the word. So in order to be one of those disciples who are instructed and trained for the kingdom of heaven, you have to know how to bring old treasure forth, too, but in a treasureingly new way. We take the same stories and parables that are told in the bible, in other words, old treasure, and with the enlightening of the Holy Spirit share with them, if we are so privileged to do so, how the spirit can make those same scriptures to be life instead of an interpretation of death and condemnation. They have a reference point and an ability to at least make an association with the story or passage you may be referring to because of their familiarity with scripture.

But I find with the world, they could care less about your bible story revelations. They have no reference point in them to associate with. At the most some of them may be familiar with the story that there was some guy named Noah that went through a flood with a boat full of animals. Or that there was a little baby born in a manager long ago and grew up to be a really good man. And to remember this event we celebrate Christmas and all give each other gifts.

The world will not understand or “get” our bible preaching maybe, but they will “get” or understand unconditional love. For all the law and the prophets are taught in that one truth….Love.

So, we have to be those ministering angels or messengers of God that can ascend or descend the ladder of Truth bring forth treasure both new and old…..or so my inward truth teller says.

Blessings to all


Here is a reply made to this post from elsewhere and our comments added:


You wrote a nice post, thanks. You also wrote...

"I love sharing some of the newer more present understandings of truth that is coming out today, at least the little that I do grasp some of them - Things about the DNA, quantum science’s teaching of the implicate and the explicate orders of things, how all things are really energy that vibrates at different frequencies holding them in certain patterns and how energy speeded up becomes Light and slowed down takes on matter or visibility. I hear spirit in all of this. And I feel that if Jesus the man had appeared in this day instead of 2000 years ago, he may have taught more from this perspective or present truth scenario than in just stories about seeds and harvests and the parables or veiled truth that he used then. But he did promise that the time would come that he would no longer speak in figures of speech such as this, but would tell us plainly of the Father without using veiled stories. John 16 "

Yes He would and He is. That is what he meant when he said that he had many things to tell the disciples but they could not hear them at that time. That is why the "day" or time of "revelation" had to wait.

God is giving the information you speak about above, through the beast, meaning the christian-professing but not necessarily christian-actings, kingdoms of men today. The purpose is to destroy the "babylon" man has been under in his understanding and beleif of myths and fables as if they were the truth of God.

Rev 17:15 And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
Rev 17:16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. Rev 17:17 For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.
Rev 17:18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

This is a spiritual fire, when accomplished by God in the minds and spirit of men.
God bless" end quote


My reply to them:

Well, thank you for your reply as well.

I loved the scripture you shared from Rev. I wouldn't have seen that in that light without your pointing it out.

Sorta made me think of the scripture, if I am remembering this one correctly, that says "the children of this world are often wiser than the children of light."

Perhaps truth comes just like that passage says, "as the thief in the night," and could mean that these greater defining truths are breaking forth in the midst of man's darkness and praise God, will steal his immaturity of understanding away.

Love and communion,

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