Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Weaker Vessel

I'm excerpting the following lines from someone's post because this is how I see what The New Creation Man really is.

Only by joining the two halves do the two become one. As two become one something NEW is born. The new thing is not either or but rather is the combination of the two and something new all together.

Amen! When Life was breathed into the dust man, this "man" was in soulish form, a living soul. He operated from the feminine realm. The feminine is the wife or womb of God. It is where the divine seed or sperma of God must be deposited in order to birth THE CHILD, The New Creation Man, which is born from the union of the feminine and the masculine, or the union of God and man (which is the bigger picture of soul and spirit). Man is not eliminated from this equation...."Let us make Man". This is not an either/or thing that God is doing. Spirit is has no form....until we as his creation give him one. But we cannot give God a New Wine Skin to live in until the marriage is consumated, conceived, grown, and then birthed into manifestation.

"SHE (the feminine element of God) was taken out of man, (this is precisely what God did when he took out of himself a creation)

Therefore ( or consequently),

Consequently shall a man leave Mother and Father and be joined to his wife."

"God shall provide Himself a Lamb". God sent Himself as Jesus to be the male Lamb without blemish whose seed would enter into our deadened (Sara-like) womb causing us to conceive new or resurrection life.

The Lamb:
"God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself."Picking up on the thought of just who the "Woman" truly is - God's wife or womb or all of mankind before they are quickened to life by being inseminated with the incorruptible seed of God to bring forth a birth.

I think it is interesting to compare what Paul said about weakenss or the weaker vessel but to hear it from this higher vantage point.

1 Pet. 3:7
In the same way you married men should live considerately with your wives, with an intelligent recognition, honoring the woman as the weaker, but realizing that you are joint heirs of the grace of life..."

2 Cor. 12:9
But He said to me, My grace - My favor and loving-kindness and mercy- are enough for you; for My strength and power are made perfect - fulfilled and completed and show themselves most effective in you weakness. Therefore I will all the more gladly glory in my weaknesses and infirmities, that the strength and power of Christ the Messiah may rest - yes, may pitch a tent over and dwell upon me!

So for the sake of Christ, I am well pleased and take pleasure in infirmities, insults, hardships, persecutions, perplexities, and distresses, for when I am weak, then am I truly strong - able, powerful in divine strength." \o/

It takes birth pangs to bring forth this son....and God honors her in this weakened process of distress knowing that she is heavy with child, pregnant with the Son of Glory, the New Creation Man.


The following a reply from Grace:

I especially am interested in the weaker vessel idea. Some time ago I was thinking along these lines, being female myself....and the idea of a weaker vessel made me realize that if there is a weaker vessel, there must also be a weak. That would mean that the male is the weak...(DEFICIENT IN ABILITY)just as powerless to reproduce himself as the weaker vessel is..., there is no reproduction if the weaker and the weak are not joined. Which makes us interdependent on each other. I see man as the soul of God...the weaker vessel (apparatus, utensil, container).
God (as Father), without man (the soul of God) cannot reproduce himself. I never thought of God as weak...but according to the principle the Creator instituted "in the beginning," the weaker vessel is just as necessary as the weak. What do you think?


Wow! what a neat insight Grace....God being the "weak" vessel. (metaphysically speaking, of course)

"Unless the seed falls in the ground and dies IT ABIDES ALONE!"

The Alone One, or the Weak One needed a weaker one in order to not be alone anymore!

Hallelujah, the pattern is repeated in the story of Adam and Eve and yet, again on the cross when Jesus side was riven and blood and water poured forth from his heart-womb as he was birthing the New Creation species into being.



Karen, it's interesting that Mary could not have given birth to Jesus if she had not been WEAK..not capable of bearing a child since she knew not a took the POWER OF the HIGHEST (MOST HIGH)to overshadow her. That is exciting...we are being overshadowed by the Most our weakness...but the power of the HIGHEST is overshadowing us!!! Too many thoughts coming....I feel a tingling internally as I ponder these things.


Loved your thought about Mary being weak not knowing man.....exactly our condition too without the Overshadowing of the Highest as you said.

I have written so many times about the Most High being Posessor of Heaven and Earth, I am a regular nuisance with it, but I can see the Most High, the Possessor of Heaven coming to claim for Himself his bride, bringing about the marriage of Heaven and Earth as One.

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