Monday, November 07, 2011

The Making of a MAN

"Let us make man in Our image and likeness and let them have dominion...."

God is not making God.

God is making a MAN.

I believe the brother is right when he says the words in Gen 1 and 2 are prophetic.

I think where we fall into division is we think that the natural man, the first man is the one that God was speaking of when he declared this. The natural man was a step in the process of the making of a God Man, the Second Man, the Lord from heaven. He was not the finished product and I agree with one that said it is only a temporary change of clothing. It is our tabernacle of David, our temporary movable dwelling, but we have a Temple of Solomon, our Promised Land where the glory of the sun glinted upon the outer walls of this gold covered dwelling and could be seen afar, and upon its dedication the glory so filled this temple that no 'man' - that's man with a little 'm' could stand because the MAN, that's man with a big 'M" was now filling the temple.

And yes, of course, God said in Gen. that what he created was good! He calls those things that are not as though they are!....are not what?....are not yet manifested in this realm.....because in the realm of the Eternal all things coexist simultaneously but in this realm they are "testified of in due time".

But we are bringing the ordinances, and the oracles of God into the Earth through God's MAN. Jesus was the express image of the invisible God. God is God whether he is ex-pressed or not, but when he wishes to reveal his Invisible Self, he needs a vehicle for ex-pression. And that was his purpose in making a MAN.

We know that natural man has been more of a caricature of God than an exact image of the Father. So we are still a work of God's Art in progress. 

Just as Jesus our Pattern demonstrated. He was made perfect by the things he suffered. He grew in grace and knowledge. We live and move and have our being in Him (heaven) and He lives and moves and has his being in Us (Earth).

But I love the scripture that says, "While beholding him, we are made into his same image from glory to glory."....or from one understanding to another. Because Jesus came to show us what we are and what we can become, so, in beholding him I am looking at myself as a glorified son. So I do hear where those who declare they are finished and need no perfecting are coming from. When I behold him I am looking at my future self and declaring him glorious and beautiful. I don't think we can build our house aright without looking at the blueprint and following the pattern shown us in the "Mount". And you know we were instructed to be careful how we build.

It requires two or three witnesses for every word to be establised. Some are satisfied with just spirit and soul - they don't see that God still needs a Body in which to manifest as the third witness.

We are to see that we do not forsake the assembling of ourselves together.......our spirit, soul and body.

1. Spirit (heavens)

2. Soul (the bridge or interface between spirit and body, "Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind (Soul)...our mind, will, emotions, and desire aligned with spirit provides streets of gold, a highway of wholeness for the spirit to walk into our Earth)

3. Body (earth)

Love and Grace to all,
I know that we each hear the other from where we are in consciousness and wherever we each are is the only place we can be until we are moved into another glory. I am thankful for every level of glory that has been revealed in me. Remember when Paul said, "that it pleased the Father to reaveal his son in me". Well, it could not have been revealed in him if it wasn't there all the time.  Our immortal, perfect self, called the Christ was there all the time, but I believe it was just still wrapped in the grave clothes of our old understandings until the word, "loose him and let him go" was inacted in our lives. \o/

Not long ago this understanding was given me:

I am/ we are first a child of God by CREATION.

But we are a mature God by FORMATION.

Everybody is a child of God, but not all are behaving as mature Gods. That is where Jesus our Pattern comes in. It calls him our Forerunner in Hebrews. That means we have had the path marked out well for us. We, too, have had to take up our cross and follow on to become what we already are. One of those enigmas again.

Paul, remarked that "he was travailing in birth until Christ was FORMED in them." And it is always the feminine that takes the seed and forms it for the man. Without having "the eyes of our understanding enlightened" or without having our mind penetrated by the spirit word or the man, we cannot FORM the CHRIST a body in which to manifest his nature, or we cannot be the express image of the invisible God.

Creative formation to all you lords,

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