Saturday, February 03, 2007

From Be-ators to Creators

Spirit dropped a word into my heart understanding this morning upon awakening and I will just share with you my conversation with Myself. You can eavesdrop if you want to....or not.

None of us are an island of truth unto ourself and we do find upon re-connecting with those of our birth order, that they do, in deed, activate unused, and yet un-birthed realizations in us. They are like sparks to our yet unignited fuel.

Pondering on this concept of addiction....yes, even we who might consider ourselves part of this first-fruit company of enchristed ones, can find ourselves in addiction and be quite blind to it until spirit takes its clever cover off and exposes our nakedness in some area.

We feel quite vulnerable when naked, so most of us will avoid even the suggestion of such a state, much less, actually being willing to be made so by spirit.

What I heard this morning was, "Are you willing to move from being a Be-ator to a more full realization of Me as Creator?"

"Okay Lord, explain to me."

"I have awakened and developed in you a true realization of your Be-ing. But it was brought to you first as a concept or a revelation in your youth of understanding, but I have been growing you up in that understanding so that you could move into an actual union with me and Be-come that. Many still are camped in the revelation of Be-ing for they have not yet realized that this is about relationship not mere intercourse with concepts. Concepts that often get spouted off in robotic rhythm which reveals the mesmerizing ability of a mind that is lost in the maze of its own machinations devoid of intimacy.

Love is not a concept to be tossed around like some ball that children play with....I Am Love. Love is a relationship between two. I Am in relationship with You. You provide for me the ability 'to be' in relationship with Myself and to experience Myself as You."

And there are those magic words again "to be" in relationship.

So, the lesson continues and I ask, "Okay, Father, if I am Be-ing that, then what further understanding are you wanting to develop in me?"

I want to develop you, not just in your understanding, but in your abilities....abilities that I developed in My First Born Son from the dead, for he was the epitome of what it means to be a full grown Be-ing, Doing as Me; he is the mirror image of you when your glass is undistorted and blemish free."

"So what is the distortion or the blemishes that might be occluding my view of you or Myself?"

The Pillar of Fire that I Am is moving in the yet darkened parts of your souls journey through this wilderness of time? Will you move with Me?

"Yes, Lord, I want to....but help my my desire to just camp in my present glory of Be-ing. I don't want to be an unmovable and stiffnecked one."

"I will not allow you to remain a Be-ing that does nothing but Be aware of your Be-ing."

I wish for you to realize that the next step in your Be-ing is the full ability to perform as that Be-ing, for nothing less will change the course of this world except Saviors of this ilk. That is why I am beseeching your spirit this morning. Do not become addicted to Be-ing as if it was your God instead of Me. It is not a concept that I desire to intercourse with, but you."

I am more than Be-ing for out of my Be-ing flows forth My Be-ing in creative, Life-giving glory.

Just as My First Born's heavens or eyesight was opened to see all that I Am at his baptism.....that is to say, All That I Am as it appeared in finished form for each one given to him....he then could DO what he saw his Father doing for all those lives given unto him."

"Yea, Lord, I know you ask nothing of us that you do not and cannot perform in us as your Resurrection Power is ignited in us. We offer only a little willingness to you with the hope that our little will be made much by your exceeding greatness in us."

let me elaborate just a bit more on what Father has been unfolding in me.

God took out of himself a woman or in other words a creation. All of creation is a representation of God's soul or woman expressed.

It is like a woman that has a killing cancer right now in her breast which is located in the region of her heart. If she is not healed and restored she will leave her children motherless......she(the soul) will leave her higher spiritual thoughts without a mother to care for them and bring them up into maturity.

And she will leave her husband bereaved of a partner....the spirit will have no one to partner with in the bringing forth of life.

"Okay Lord, I hear you. We don't want to continue seeing the state of death for your precious creation, but we want to co-partner with you in Resurrection Life ceremonies."

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