Thursday, October 20, 2005

Two Sets of Two

In the OT there were two sets of two stone tablets- two sets of "tablets of testimony" the Amp. calls them. The first set of tablets were given by God to Moses:

Ex. 24:12 And the Lord said to Moses, come up to Me into the mountain and be there; and I will give you tables of stone with the law and the commandments, which I have written that you may teach them.

The second set of tablets Moses was to cut from the foot of the mountain and bring them up to God to inscribe:

Ex. 34:1 The Lord said to Moses, Cut two tables of stone like the first; and I will write upon these tables the words that were on the first tables, which you broke.Be ready and come up in the morning to Mount Sinai, and present yourself there to Me on the top of the mountain......

So Moses cut two tables of stone like the first; and he rose up early in the morning and went up on Mt. Sinai as the Lord had commanded him, and took in his hand two tables of stone.

The first set, as I see it is our Pattern Jesus Christ and I stress Christ in this instance because these tablets originate in the heavens. This is the Christ that was stripping himself of his heavenly glory to take on the form of man (Jesus) and came down the mountain and was broken for us in this earth realm.

Ex. 32...”And Moses anger blazed hot, and he cast the tables out of his hands, and broke them at the foot of the mountain.”

These two tablets were written on both sides by the finger of God. This indicates the full measure anointing. There was no part not inscribed upon.

When Jesus was “broken” in this realm of death, he was fulfilling the Law. The Law kills. He was the Passover Lamb that was slain. This is the 1st coming of the Lord.

“The Lord said to Moses, cut two tables of stone like the first; and I will write upon these tables the words that were on the first tables, which you broke.
So Moses cut two tables of stone like the first; …..and went up on Mt. Sinai, as the Lord commanded him, and took in his hand two tables of stone.” Ex. 34

Deut. 10: 1
“At that time the Lord said to me, Hew two tables of stone like the first, and come up to Me on the mountain, and make an ark of wood.
And I will write on the tables the words that were on the first tables which you broke, and you shall put them in the ark.”

The second set of two tablets Moses was to cut and bring up the mountain for the second inscribing by God. This is the man that becomes the Second Man, The Lord from heaven. You become the word of the Lord manifested in this Earth. The word first became flesh (and dwelt among us – Jesus) and now the flesh (transformed) becomes the Word, an eternal word. This is we as the Christ and this is the corporate Second Coming of the Lord.

God’s Second Man is the one that brings the ordinances of God into the earth. The tablets of Moses were put in the Ark, a wooden box covered in gold - Our humanity, swallowed up of the Spirit. In the Ark was also the manna and Aaron’s budded rod.

The two tablets inscribed fully speaks of THE WAY. The new covenant is us having the laws of God inscribed in our hearts and minds. And since Love is the fulfilling of the law, we become Love personified. (ouch, on that one)

The manna speaks of THE TRUTH. (I am the true bread come down from God)

And Aaron’s budded rod speaks of THE LIFE. (eternal life)

Since Jesus is our Pattern, whatever is true of him has to be true of us.
-We laid aside our glory with him before the world was when we as the morning stars and the sons of God sang together and shouted for joy as the book of Job says.

-Descended down the 'mountain' or descended into a lower dimension.

-Found ourself as spirit now in the form and fashion of a man

-Was broken because of the sin.

The people said they did not know what had become of Moses when he was gone for forty days, this man who had brought them out of Egypt, or they were forgetting who they were and their destination as the called out ones in Moses seeming absence. We ‘forget’ who we are or where we are going while we are absent from knowing ourself in Christ.

-Had to be "cut" again (re-generated) or molded or fashioned into a vessel that would receive the inscribing of the Living Word.

-Have to ascend the mountain, this time, of transfiguration where our mortal puts on immortality.

-Descends the mountain as the Living, Manifested Word of God’s Heavens bringing the ordinances of God into the Earth creating the New Earth wherein dwelleth righteousness.

Too/Two Good. :)

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