Sunday, March 01, 2009

I Am ??? Am I ???

If you attend an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting you will probably hear confessions of : “I am an alcoholic.”

Same with many of the support groups:
“I am a rape victim”
“I am a drug addict”
“I am a widow/widower" (grief counseling)

or how about...

“I am a Christian”
"I am a Buddhist“"
"I am a Baptist”
“I am a Pentecostal”

"I am a woman"
"I am a man"
"I am a child"

"I am a wife"
"I am a husband"
"I am a mother"
"I am a father"
"I am a sister"
"I am a brother"

"I am caucausian""
"I am black"
"I am Asian"
"I am native American"

"I am English, Irish, German, Russian, French, Polish etc"

What is the common denominator in all of these confessions?

Of course, you see it – it is I AM !

Is the I Am an alcoholic?...a rape victim, a diabetic, a drug addict, a widow or widower??


But the I Am lives in the alcoholic, the rape victim, the drug addict, the widow/widower, the man, woman or child who may be English, Irish or whatever nationality and who may profess to be be a Baptist or a Buddhist. These are all conditions of the human experience, some confesssions from being unenlightened to your identity or from the ego usurping the throne and some from the natural course and happenings of human events.

The I Am is a state of Being, as I see it. God just IS. S/he is Love, Joy, Peace, Righteousness, etc... But what Is, needs a place to express what It Is.


the I Am has no expression other than what we as a creation give it. I do believe that I Am “dresses” Itself as male or female, doctor, lawyer, or Indian chief, [as Ronflyer always says, “God dresses us all funny” :)] but perhaps in the context of what I am trying to share here, perhaps we are the ones that really put on some of the really “funny” costumes because we have not always known our spirit identity.

But still Spirit must have a Body, a vessel of expression to reveal or unfold Itself through. Being an unclothed spirit is not our destination or the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus IMO. The unbreakable decree of Elohim from the beginning was, “Let us make Man.” The MAN he is making is one whose spirit, soul and body are all harmoniously manifesting the Life of I AM and through these singularly harmonious amalgamations a united Collective Body is created– this is the MAN, The Collective New Creation Man, that I believe that God has been creating and is raising up in this Day of the Lord.

All of God's days begin in darkness...Genesis shows us that by saying, “The evening and the morning was the first day, etc”. Just as a natural child is first formed in Mother's womb in the darkness before it is born out of its dark watery world into the light of day and begins to now breathe air in its lungs. What was once a very confining limiting experience, but an all together necessary one while in the forming process, makes a quantum leap at the time of birth into a brand new expansive world that operates from different directives.

All of creation up until this time has been time spent in the womb of formation....the process is nearing its delivery date for an appointed people. This is not a singular birth but a collective one I believe. It will take just such a mass appearing of EnChristened ones to effect a world change and make the world to take notice that the Lord liveth and the “Most High God does reign and he rules in the affairs of man.” I believe that the Lord's coming within this First gathered Fruit is in secret or within us, but his appearing or manifesting of this Body is not to be in secret. His coming is an eternal Day or a forever Now, but the eternal is being unfolded in us in ever greater glory culminating in not just a justified people, nor just a sanctified people, but a glorified people, "as he comes to be glorified in his people."

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