Sunday, March 15, 2009

How Sin is "Taken Away"

I know that this is a somewhat touchy subject if the word sin gets involved at all and I hear all of your hearts in this matter for I know this is where you are speaking from....we all know that we are complete in him and have been seated with him in heavenly places. I surely hope you don't think I am saying that my true identity is a sinner?

"It is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world."

All sin is forgiven.....God is not imputing trespasses!! That is surely is not what I am sharing.

But being forgiven sin and having all sin and any of its residual effects vanquished or taken away from all our thoughts, words and deeds is quite another.

I can forgive my 10 year old any immaturity of behavior that he has, but as a parent, I can't take his immaturity away from him....he has to do that by growing up into adulthood. Then his immaturity is taken away by his growth. I gave him his life as his parent, but he is the one that gives that life a living.

God as our heavenly parent gave us his life, and we as his children in turn give that Life a living. How we invest our Life or God energy as we are quickened alive in him, determines if we prove to be obedient children or rebellious ones.

Jesus taught us that everything that was written of him in the law, the prophets and psalms must be fulfilled in him....well, we are as he is. There are the two works and comings of the Lord taught in the law through the two doves, and the two goats and with purpose, for they speak of how God is unfolding his plan first in the singular firstborn son from the dead, Jesus, and then in us as the Corporate Body of Christ, as we are roused from among the dead too to do the greater works.

I have been one that has loved to teach who we are in Christ. Christ Jesus, in his glorification, is who I am outside of the realm of time. This means I have realized in fullness who I am in him in the heavens - in other words, I have been glorified in spirit, soul and body like unto Jesus in his resurrection, glorification and ascension. I have no word is final and flawless. My every thought is pure and holy. My body is immortal coming and going as the wind, dwelling at the interface of heaven's horizon and earths manifestation with full access to either dimension.

We have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm! Eph. 1:2

But since we all have been lowered into fraility and futility, not because of some intentional fault on our own part, but by the will of the One who so subjected us, yet with a hope, the Holy Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up in our weak times, and the Spirit Himself pleads within us in our behalf with unspeakable yearnings and groanings too deep for utterance.

Because we have been foreknown and loved before the foundations of world and set apart as his own, he foreordained us, destined us, planned in love for us to be revealed as his own children through Jesus Christ.

God planned for the maturity of the times to unify all things BOTH in heaven and on earth.

As we put this salvation on here, in our earth as it is in our heavens we put on Christ, as we put on the Lamb nature of God in all its beauty, all sin and any residual effects of it in either my soul (what I think or feel) or body (what I do) are taken away......they become null and void!!

"The Lamb of God takes away the sin of our world", not just legally but experientially.

Jesus came from our future which is the Eternal Now and showed us who we are in finished form. We are just catching up with our true self and learning how in our Now.

Then what is true in my heavens can now be realized in my earth....and we become God's inheritance.

We always speak of our inheritance in Christ, but God has an inheritance too...
"In Him we also were made [God's] heritage (portion) accordance with His purpose, who works out everything in agreement with the counsel and design of His own will. Eph. 1

Love and blessings to all,

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