Sunday, March 15, 2009

Every Man In His Own Order

I believe there must be "birth orders" in God. I'm of the mind to think that we have not all come out of God with the same familial purpose. In other words, in the natural order of a family, there is the first born, then the second borns, and then lastly the baby or youngest in the family and then the onlys, too, which is what I am in the natural.

If the social scientists are correct, they seem to think that what position you have been born in a family has some bearing on how you develop socially and what your interests are.

"Most of us have a dominant birth order personality that matches our birth position. But that personality is influenced by variables such as temperament, gender and other family circumstances. So it is not so much where you are born in your family but how you function that counts. How a person functions generally correlates with birth position."

So can this apply also to being a part of the Firstfruits of the harvest unto God?

The word say Christ was the firstfruits and I believe that means Christ Jesus was the firstfruits as he was the firstborn from among the dead of Adam's race, and then those who are Christ's own will be resurrected at His coming and then comes the completion (of the harvest, I believe this implies).

I believe in the OT the firstborn was to grow up to be the priest for his family and received the birthright.

If Jesus is that for us, he is the firstborn of the New Creation Man and therefore, the King of the kings and the Lord of the lords to the Body of Christ....a king and priest ministry.

And if the Body of Christ is to be this corporate firstborn son, then our calling is to stand as king and priest to the rest of creation because we are to inherit that place because of our birth order. Now none of this has anything to do with favoritism, but all of this is only wrapped up in the outworking of God's great plan for the reconciling of all unto Himself that He might be everything in everyone.

Just a few of my ponderings on the orders.
Love, Karen

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