Sunday, March 15, 2009

What is Sin?

The question was asked "what is sin?"

There are different angles to looking at any truth...some speak more to our spirit, some to soul, and some to body.

We know that the spirit that is born of God cannot and does not sin, or does not miss the fact, it is what teaches us all truth and convicts of sin.

Teaching of Jesus:
"And when He comes, He will convict and convince the world and bring demonstration to it about sin and about righteousness and about judgement" John 16

There is a passage in Eke. 44 speaking of the priesthood of Melchizidek:
"The priests shall teach my people the difference between the holy and the profane, and cause them to distinguish between the unclean and the clean."

The human experience has brought us all into this death realm. Everything that God does is with purpose and design.
"All have sinned and come short of the glory of God."

Do you know any child that can perform as its grown up parents? Is it possible for a child to understand, much less perform, everything that its parents do without first growing up? Does riding in a car, automatically make a child understand how to drive one or to take care of its maintenance? Or, in the same way, is seeing the revelations of God or understanding that we are seated with him in heavenly places...are these truths the end of our journey or are they the beginning of us learning how to bring these truths into the experiences of our life journey that we may grow up in Christ in all things and not 'sin' or not miss the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

To hit the bull's eye, is to walk in the full glory of have that glory expressed fully in our mind, [knowing everything that He knows] and expressed fully in our bodies [being able to do anything that He can do].

But when we are children in our development we were or are "too short" or too immature; you can't quite get that arrow to go all the way to its target. It like a little boy who is stands beside his father trying to shoot arrows at his Dad's target which is too far away for him at this stage of his growth. But his Dad is not disturbed at all that he 'sins' or misses the target because he knows full well that with growth and development this child will grow into manhood and stand tall and virile just as he is.

While we are still having our truth or 'salvation' worked out in us ["work out your salvation with fear and trembling]
or while you are still having Christ formed within you
["That you may really come to know -practically through experience for yourselves - the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge without experience; that you may be filled through all your being unto all the fullness of God and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself!" Eph. 3:19]

While this process is being realized in us beyond just the revelation of its truth to us, as wonderful as revelations are,
we will find that while we are still growing up into him, or up into the maturity of Christ, we may find we still 'sin', or we make mistakes, fall short of the full glory of Chirst by being unloving, or needing deep wounds to be healed, at times being reactionary instead of being at rest. Does it really matter what 'tag' you call all this?.... Or we can try to pretend that none of us have ever had any of this to deal with if we want, but we are all here by the will of God, lowered into this realm of death for the outworking of the grand design of our Creator. "Let us make Man". We are being "made" the righteousness of God spirit, soul and body.

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