Saturday, December 11, 2010

Starmates, SOULMATES and Twin Flames by David Hulse


Next we have soulmates. Soulmates are people that we attract into our life to work out our karmas and for learning certain lessons. I cringe sometimes when people tell me, "This is my soulmate." I silently say, "Bless them Lord." I know what they are thinking: "This is the one." And again I silently say to myself, "We'll give this six months or a year at the most. This couple is here to work out something in each others's life. They are going to push each other's buttons for sure." This is soul work, for the evolving of the human soul. This is a less dense level than our physiology, but still we are not at our most pure level of spiritual consciousness.

Having soulmates is not our highest "wholly relationship". These assignments that come into our lives to remind us of what we do not want to see and heal in ourselves, and they are going to bring up everything in our subconscious that we have denied about ourselves. Where we get stuck in this is when we buy into the ego and the ego interprets this as victimization. That this person has come along and made me feel bad about myself, made me angry, but the real truth about this is that no one can make you feel angry if there is not already anger somewhere in the recesses of your soul. So the anger that someone makes you feel may not be about what they actually said or did, but may be a memory in the mind that happened to you years ago or perhaps lifetimes ago. It can be about a lot of heavy baggage that has not been healed in this life stream.

The ego wants to transpose the dynamics of cause and effect and make you think that the external world is what effects you and causes you to feel angry. When the real truth in metaphysics is that the world of cause is inside, and the outer world is the effect. The outer world only mirrors back to us what is on the inside. Even Jesus had to deal with His own human heredity that He called the adversary for He said, "My adversary(prince) of this world cometh and hath nothing in me." John 14:30 What Jesus was really saying was that He had taken care of and healed everything in His life stream, therefore nothing could respond to stimuli outside of Himself. Was not His declaration on the cross the ultimate forgiveness: "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." How many can say that to someone that has abused you, lied to you or cheated on you?

You have to have a quantum leap out of level one to into level two. Level one is what things appear and feel to be. Level two is what or who we really are. That means that there is a part of a person at the higher level that has never done these things at all. If the divine in me sees the divine in you, I will know you in innocence. At another level the soul has all these repressed memories of abuse and projects it outward. Judeo Christianity wants to fix things up from this level. In my opinion that is one of the failures of traditional Christianity. There is a more excellent way: go behind the veil. Go into the most holy place. Move into another level where what you feel has happened never took place - it was an illusion. Your ego responds, "Sure, it was all an illusion, look at these scars." This is remaining on the ego's level to try to heal, but they are many other rooms in the mansion. "In my Father's house are many mansions", many rooms and many dwelling places of consciousness. We don't have to get stuck in one world's view or perception.

So, our soulmates are to help us clean out the attic and clean out the basement or in other words to clear out the psyche or the dark side of the soul where we have trapped consciousness that is ready to come into the light of the Christ consciousness. Most of the time these are people that we have made a life investment and when they make us angry we need to ask our self what is it that they have touched that I need to heal in myself. When I can shift my perception and see that is in not my enemy but this is my holy brother or sister who has come to remind me what I need to heal in myself then I can love my enemy and call them my teacher. And when we make this shift in perception about our brother, he is healed as well in our own mind. Contemplate the magnitude of this gesture multiplied many times over to embrace everyone in this world.

Fundamentalists have spent millions of dollars trying to evangelize the world one by one. But Christ is coming as a thief in the night. He is coming in the back door of the collective consciousness. What many have been trying to tell them them for many years they are going to get from within themselves. The ego is going to rise up in you and say, "I beg your pardon, I have been trying to tell you this for years and you rejected it." You will not receive any validation for their realization of the Truth and this is what will keep us from falling into a spiritual/religious hierarchy again. This is what will change the whole religious theocracy.

When we think someone has a corner on the truth we plug our energy into them and want to follow them. We don't need any more gurus or one man/woman potentates. We still have pastors and teachers because we still are in transitions but we need teachers that are empowering us not taking our power from us. If we can see things as they really are we will be empowered to heal ourselves, making ourselves and our soulmates eligible to become our "twin flame" or our spiritual mate.

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