Saturday, December 11, 2010

STARMATES, Soulmates and Twin Flames by David Hulse


The dynamics of projection is one of the most powerful truths to be learned. The ego loves to project something that is on the inside of us that needs healing or forgiveness, to the outside upon others. This kind of thinking causes us to play out a psychodrama that believes we are the victims of something or someone else. It is maturity when you can choose not to see yourself as the victim and take responsibility for your own life. We are not going to change our lives until we are able to take responsibility for our own suffering and our own pain. The other side of this truth empowers us, because if we made our own pain we can change the dynamics that created it.

If some else created your pain then it will take somebody else to undo it for you. That is why we have remained in our adolescent hero worship of projecting upon others our need for them to come and save us. We don't think that we are responsible for own lives. We think everything has been done to us by the devil, by society, by religion, by parents, by family and etc. The real truth is that all of our relationships have been assignments for the opportunity to grow.

A lot of people that I meet across the country are single and the reason for this, I believe, is that they have attained a higher level of consciousness and they can't “hook up” with just anybody as many others do. Jesus said, “Where much is given, much is required.”

When you see the difference between a special relationship and a “wholly relationship", you have to hold out for the "wholly relationship." Special relationships are fun for awhile because the ego will bless a 'special relationship' in the beginning only to betray you in the end. What that means is that any relationship that you enter into with someone whether it is “wholly” or more “special”, if given over to God, God will use it for a purpose. But if you stay beyond the purpose, it will turn around and betray you. This type of relationship progresses into a dysfunctional one with the partners becoming co-dependent. Doesn't that ring a bell with some of you that started out in a relationship that was hot and heavy, only to find six months down the road that you had given your power away to that person and projected upon them. You were looking to receive from them what you had not found in yourself.

The reason people “fall” in love is because they didn't think they were beautiful, intelligent, etc. and someone told them they were, so they wanted that person in their life because they told them something about themselves that they had not found in themselves. So people take their energy and spirit and plug it into some other person. If you are abused, it is because your power was used against you. That is what the ego is, it is the one mind split and turned against itself. There is only one power and that is the divine power. That part of our divinity is the only thing that needs to be healed or saved.

The root meaning of the word devil is quite interesting. The 'de' of devil comes from the root word for divine. And 'il' or ill carries the meaning that the divine is ill. It does, of course, not mean intrinsically that the divine is ill or evil or wrong, but there is a part of the divine that has separated from its self, taken on a false identity and doesn't remember that it is divine any longer. Therefore, it looks to the outside for its identity, which it gets from society, culture or religions which can be very ill, misinformed ideas.

The essence of our being is not evil itself but it is the obstruction in our energy that has been validated in the belief system from the outside that may be an ill thought. Thats why very good people can do very bad things; very spiritual divine people can do some very devilish horrible things because they buy into the obstruction and forget their intrinsic essence.

Falling in Love

It is highly possible few of us on this earth yet knows God in the totality of true essence. If this is true, then we must also realize man does not know love in the totality of its true essence. God is love and love is God; therefore, to know one is to know the other. Just as man has built many images and idols of God through his ideas and philosophies, he has likewise built many images and idols of love.

Although there are many levels of love, we turn our attention to the most fulfilling, yet most devastating, fantasy man has ever created. Love that is channeled through a human level of understanding, invented an illusionary feeling of "falling in love." The majority of marriages and relationships are built on a lower emotional feeling. The statistics on suicide, and emotional or physical breakdown related to the trauma of losing the person one thought he could not live without, validates such a statement.

Humans have been propelled to invent an intense emotional feeling called "falling in love" in an attempt to compensate for the great need of oneness.
Some would ask, "What about those who have been together for twenty or thirty years?" More often than not, the feeling of being "in love" was lost early in the relationship. The love that remains is because one attains a place of maturity that chooses to love. Everyone who FALLS in love must also FALL out of love to learn how to truly love. Genuine and lasting love in relationships cannot begin until you rise out of this feeling of "falling in love."

What about this feeling of "falling in love"? Man has not known or understood that his consciousness echoes back to the time he was an infant, one with mother. When you fall in love, it is an overwhelming emotion. You feel connected again and believe you that that special person are one. You watch the same TV shows, enjoy the same movies, relish the same foods, etc. There is something special about your union, and together you are sure you can conquer the world and solve every problem in life. What is actually is happening is an honest effort to fulfill that great longing for at-one-ment.

The honeymoon is wonderful, but all too soon the same thing happens with the lover that happened with mother. The time comes when she doesn't want to go out to eat, you do. He wants to make love, you don't. Suddenly you are faced with the fact, "I am an individual separate from you. I thought you would always be one with me. I thought I had lost this identity of aloneness. For a while I thought you were it! My God, you're not it! I married the wrong one!" THEN you fall out of love and come to a crossroads and are forced to make a decision. Will you terminate the relationship and begin a new seach for someone else to lose yourself in or will you accept the situation and make the best of it? At that point, you have reached the place to discover and develop true love which is not first a feeling, but a state of being.

When you "fall in love" with someone, it is all built on a feeling. You are joined to a feeling, a feeling of being in a crowded room - "Strangers in the night" - remembering the time you were looking for her, looking for him and then glanced across the room and there he was, there she was. You're joined, your fused. Its called a "soul union". It is not love! It is an emotion NAMED love and FORMED by the living soul man has become.

It is mental energy that causes people to "FALL" in love. You don't fall in love with your mother, your sister, your father, your uncle, your dog or your cat - you love them. This should tell us that "falling in love" must have something to do with an emotion in the mind that manifests as a sexual, physical attraction. Secure and lasting relationships cannot be built on a sexual attraction alone. Or if you are with someone because they look really good, watch out, that all changes somewhere too.

The ego is quite inventive. It knew that tapping into feelings and emotions could reap great benefits. Movies and books presenting love stories produce millions of dollars every year. Man feeds on fantasies - In the middle of you favorite soap opera - she wakes up with not a hair out of place, and makeup intact. He walks in all dressed in a tie and suit. She meets him with a martini in hand and falls madly into his arms for a time of utopia. In the middle of this great fantasy, the real "he" comes home, and barely makes it to his favorite chair in front of the television and grabs the remote. He does not say a word except "What's for dinner?" He can't even come to the table with you. You take him a TV tray so he can watch his favorite show - Wheel of Fortune - and fantasize about Vanna White.

Let's consider love from a higher understanding. Before love is a feeling, it is first a willingness - not an overtaking emotions, but the will to extend oneself for the purpose of nurturing one's own spiritual growth as well as that of another. "Falling in love" does not extend itself. It is a personality dependency by which you look to another person to assuage your insecurities to validate you by transferring your wholeness and a part of your soul to them. This makes you believe that you cannot live without them. You enter into a "soul tie" and live in unfulfillment. Even when the decision is made to end the relationship, you can't seem to let them go because they hold a part of your soul - what you believe is your separate self identity. You find you can't live with them and you can't live without them.

This set up demands someone to constantly feed our insecurities by telling us how much they love us and must be continually reinforced by outer words and actions. Unfortunately most people don't feel like expressing love 24 hours a day. You try to walk your own path but the other one is saying, "But you haven't told me you love me today. Is there someone else?" So, you are seduced into the bedroom and expected to prove you are still attracted to them through sex.

Genuine love will respect the individuality of the other person, even at the risk of separation or loss. Each person must come to know and understand his own individual self before he can give of that same essence to another.


"The kingdom of God is not meat and drink". It is not flesh. It's not just another hunky body or a beautiful figure that we are looking for. We are looking for substance, we are looking for essence. We are looking for a starmate.

Starmates transcend natural laws that say you can have only one special person in your life such as in an intimate relationship or marriage. As long as you keep it in the physical or sexual realm, the accepted norm is to remain with just one person. That doesn't really apply to people that are learning to live above the waist. You can have many different starmates, many different connections with people. You have crossed the boundaries of the body identity when you live and connect above the waist. Not only does this mean that you can have more than one relationship but you can also have relationships with those in a male or female body. But, if you are living below the waist and are trying to walk out the social, moral, normal kind of relatioship, then you have a lot of conditions required of you in order to gain validation from this present society.

The concept of starmates was shown to me while I was ministering during the eighties, the middle of the eighties, about the time of my inner transformation out of the fundamental arena. I was controversial even as a fundamentalist, but I was still in that particular arena of theology when I had this experience. I've only had three of these kind of experiences in my lifetime of years in the ministry. I refer to them as having a cellular memory. It was due to an intelligence that lives in the cells of my body that fired into some kind of universal memory that had nothing to do with my intellectual belief system.

This experience stemmed out of the desire to know why some people are extremely attracted to each other. In my many years of ministry since the time of sixteen, I have noticed that there are certain people that you meet that you are very attracted and compatible with. There are people that I feel very joined to and it doesn't matter if we haven't seen each other for a year or two or more, when we are reunited it is as if there was no time lapse.

I have also noticed the attraction that people have toward those that are in leadership positions such as ministers, doctors, etc. Many of those attractions are often interpreted with a sexual overlay, but in reality, something else is really happening that is above the waist. It is something that is happening in consciousness but of a more spiritual tone but it often is not rightly being perceived that way.

The way we have been taught in Western culture is with a black and white mentality of a very 'this' or 'that'. If you are attracted to someone it is always this, and if you are not, it is that. It is those gray areas where I find the more spiritually or metaphysically oriented thinkers. We are filling in the different shades between the extremes of just black or white thinking.

My cellular memory was what I believe to be a memory of creation. In a vision-like form I saw a very large bright ball, huge, in fact, that was like the sun. Out of this came an extended ray. Creation is an extension of the One. You and I are the Divine's idea of Its Self. We are God's self realization. What I was seeing was the Father and the Son that can say, "We are one. If you have seen me, you have seen the source, from which I came, because I am that. We are equal, but yet It is greater than I." Even though the ray can say, "I am the sun", it can't say, "I am all of the sun." it is equal to the sun in quality not quanity. If you were to dip a gallon of water from the ocean you would have ocean water but you wouldn't have the whole ocean. When you test the quality of water in your swimming pool, you don't test all 30,000 gallons of water in the pool. You take a sample of water in a test tube, and what is in that test tube will tell you everything you need to know about the water in the pool. Jesus said, "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father, but my Father is greater than I." This is important to remember, because when you start to find your own divine identity, you must not let the ego lead you to believe that you are all there is. You are what is, but you are not all of what is.

Intuitively, while having this inner vision I knew the ray that had been extended from the sun thought it was the whole sun because of the consciousness it retains. But, the ray could not contain the consciousness of the whole anymore than the pail could contain the whole ocean. I saw that light ray burst into billions of tiny light particles and I knew that was the individualizaton of the whole. The whole was no longer All in One, but had become One in All. It was the One Source of intelligent energy that had indivualized itself into billions of sparks or light particles. These particles began to float freely, down, down, toward their destiny. As they were moving downward many of them were moving through each other and developing unique holographic interface patterns which would cause them when they incarnated to find each other again. These patterns held unique keys of each others lives that would awaken certain inner potentials that would cause the other to evolve a little faster. Upon incarnation when meeting would feel an attraction and say things like, "Haven't I met you somewhere before. Don't we know each other from somewhere?" Also, things like, "I feel like I have always known you."

These are your starmates or lightmates. When you are with them they will say things that activate you. Thoughts will start flowing through you that you haven't thought before and it becomes easier to get out of the small picture of your immediate life circumstances and see the bigger picture. You also can have many of these star partners for I saw hundreds of thousands of these particles intertwining as they descended on their journey into form.

I teach this to inform people about this level of attraction. It doesn't mean that you need to leave your husband or wife and interpret this relationship to mean "I'm falling in love with you." These relationships don't work at that level. What we have to be careful of when we find these starmates, or star partners, is that because we have lived for so long below the waist, the ego will try to interpret these attractions in a sexual way. This is why so many become infatuated with ministers or doctors or anyone who really helps them or they feel one with. We have to get these relationships tuned to the frequency of spirit where there is a divine purpose to be worked out or it is not going to work for you. If not you will get into the lowercase self and think that everything has to do with the body and make the associations from the lower chakras.

We have been successful at procreating the planet, now we have to become the teacher of how to co-create what we have procreated. We need to raise consciousness to where we can see the greater picture and become self responsible and not use these wonderful gifts just for self, but for the good of all mankind.

Another service of these starmates are as 'checkmates'. When you call these friends and share an idea you might have about something, you might just say, "I just had this idea and thought I would call you an check it out with you." Aren't you glad for these kinds of friends that won't judge you and tell you that you are crazy and will love you unconditionally. Being with you starmates makes you free to be 'you'. This means that we are free to move through one another heart to heart.

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