Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Kandidly Karen

bringing an older post of mine to the fore:

No matter the many opinions, something irrefutable happened in the consciousness of this planet 2000 years ago – A Door was opened; it was opened by the coming of that which was Perfect. [And yes, I know that the scriptures tell us that he was made perfect and learned obedience by the things that he suffered] Remember “when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part shall be done away with."

When this Universal Reference Being called Jesus Christ came, He closed the door to that which was in part by opening the Door of Possibility to that which is Perfect or to that which is Mature. “Be ye perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.” He interjected into the consciousness of this planet the possibility of perfection. Just as the first men who built an airplane interjected into the consciousness of man that it was possible to fly and defy the law of gravity by replacing it with a higher law of aerodynamics. This “new thought” raised the consciousness of man and man began to explore new possibilities. We know this led to jet planes that can break the speed of sound to crafts that can fly to the moon and other planets. Man’s understanding of this new law grew after the door of possibility was opened in him. It expanded as he began to step out into these new waters and experiment with this new information that was now available.

Jesus came as this Universal Reference Being to show us what our possibilities were and went on to tell us that once this truth took root in us we would go on to expand these possibilities into parameters that were not yet possible in the mental climate of his day. He knew that that much of this new truth would be lost as he told in the parable of the sower of the seed; that only some of it would fall on good ground and take root and even in the good ground it would only produce for some a 30 or a 60 fold harvest. This 30 and 60 fold harvest was all that the good ground of the past two days could produce. The 100 fold harvest would require some added growth hormones for this kind of a harvest. “Even so it is that Christ having been offered to take upon Himself and bear as a burden the sins of many once and once for all, will appear a second time, not carrying any burden of sin nor to deal with sin, but to bring to full salvation (100 fold) those who are eagerly constantly and patiently waiting for and expecting him.” Heb.9:28

30 fold = Jesus is my Savior or very chidish and "me" oriented. What can Jesus do for me. As the maiden in Song of Solomon first confesses:"My beloved is mine"

60 fold = Christ is my annointing. Learing my power, but as any adolescent not always using it wisely. The maiden now says: "I am my beloved's and his desire is toward me."

100 fold = Knowing our union as Lord. The maidens confession is now "Come my beloved, let US go forth....make haste, come quickly and take me to our waiting home upon the mountain of spices.

We need not condemn the 30 or the 60 fold harvest for being unable to produce any more than they or we have, for that was all that their ground of being was able to do. I came through the 30 and the 60 fold harvest and I know that God did not throw me on the religious refuse pile as so much dung for being yet unable to produce a 100 fold harvest, for the Great Gardener had great patience with the fruit of my earth, knowing full well that ‘my ground’ would need both the former and the latter rain to bring a 100 fold harvest. Instead he lovingly fed me and led me unto greener pastures. I’m sorry to say, I don’t see many “Good Shepherds” for the flock. Not many lead by loving example, but instead attempt to drive the sheep with the rod of iron. It only scatters the sheep and they run further away and many fall over the precipices into further ruin or are caught in the thickets of this life.

The breakdown of the old is always and only because there is a breakthrough of the new. The new thought sends ripples of energy through the collective consciousness’ of the old, breaking up the old patterns. That is why we are seeing the breakdown of the old all around us in this world. There is a breakthrough of the new energy and it disturbs the old. “Behold I make all things new.” This new energy will re-pattern the old, reforming and rebirthing it, making new heavens (new thought patterns) and a new earth (new bodies or new containers worthy of the new).

With love,


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