Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Kabbalistic View of Creation

Years ago before I gave much thought to the subject of 'oneness', the following statement seemed to grab my attention and I jotted it down.

I Am
I Am Conscious
I Appear

& Expression


Spirit relates to I Am
Soul relates to I Am Conscious
Body relates to manifestation or I Appear

or Father, Son and Holy Spirit

I will attempt to share some interesting thoughts I recently came across that tries to break down in as simple a manner as possible the Jewish Kabbalistic view of creation which contains this thought of Oneness:

"Now since I am ONE and absolute, it follows that ONE is the only real number - the only legitimate reality. As the Deity, I think I would be quite happy in my condition of oneness, and leave it at that, but something clearly happened to induce me to create. In order for me to create the many things in the universe, I would need to create more numbers.

I was alone and bored, and began to ponder the nature of myself. "What Am I?" This was difficult because I was the only ONE. I had nothing else with which to compare myself. I wasn't a "this" or a "that" because I had not yet created "thises" or "thats". I was the absolute, there was no "outside" of me. I could not hold a mirror and look at my image and say, "Oh, look! I'm one of those!" I could, however, with great stillness and concentration, turn the focus of my attention inward and, observe my perfect reflection at the very center of my being. I would then for the first time be conscious of myself. "I am this!" I would shout.

Even instantly, as these words echoed in my absoluteness, I would fall from my pristine state of singularity, for I would now have to admit the concept of TWO.

Myself ("I am...")
and my reflection ("...this")

Oh! Curse the moment I ever brought TWO into existence, because the moment my Self became conscious of my reflection (Not-Self), a third concept was created, that is....the 'knowledge' of the 'difference' between Self and Not-Self. "I am 'this' but 'that'is not I.

conclusion: I assert that creation commenced when the Deity stirred from undistracted ecstasy and became self-conscious, an act which transformed Its self-existence (as the inscrutable Divine Unity) into Its self-image (as the Deity of creation). Therefore, I suggest that we consider the number THREE as one of our primary holy numbers.

Since TWO and THREE are merely attributes of ONE, (it takes 2 ones to make a two and 3 ones to make a three) they should be considered along with the number ONE as a Trinity Unit.

(Picture a pyramid with the number (1) at the top and the number (2) on the bottom left and the number (3) on the bottom right) - The Superal Triad

Now the Trinity Unit behaves in precisely the same manner as the original ONE did when it reflected itself to become TWO. It reflects itself to create a second Trinity Unit.

(this time picture an inverted pyramid with the number (4) on the upper right and the number (5) on the upper left and the number (6) on the bottom....remember this is created by reflecting the first pyramid.

(The Third Trinity Unit is another inverted pyramid of 7, 8 and 9 a third condition created simultaneouly with the second)...remember with Self consciousness comes the 'knowledge' that I am conscious and this is the third condition.

So creation commences when the Deity defines itself and becomes self-conscious - a three-part act which defines ONE as an abstract and unmanifested Trinity (the Supernal Traid) But Deity cannot stop at self-knowledge. Momemtum has been established which will result in a further series of six (a 4,5 an6) and &(a 7,8 and 9)

The Divine Light first projects from the Superal Triad.

Then shatters like sunlight through a prism and filters through the next six descending emanations...

Until it finally manifests (through our point of view) on the material plane - Earth - which is the number 10.

I believe that the Ten hangs like a cosmic berry and provides enviornment - a Kingdom - that traps the different fused and crystallized divine light inside a prison of matter. We live in this Kingdom. It is the lowest of the emanations. It is where the Divine Light vibrates at its lowest frequency. It is where the invisible becomes visible." end quote

Well, I know you probably wonder why I shared this but I find sometimes we have to get out of our scripture comfort zones for they hold us in certain patterns that we have been taught to believe and what is most familiar to our ego or outer consciousness. If there is anything that our ego minds hate and that is to be left out of the loop and have nothing in its data bank to compare a new thought with or against. That's why I like the word contemplation. If we can put information that may be new to us in a neutral zone and not judge it this or that, right or wrong, good or evil and just contemplate it, I think that is a more conducive atmosphere for spirit to teach us.

If this analogy is true, there are truly "superal" re-memberances for us to partake of as our minds are re-newed!

Love and communion
remembrance and Unity,

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