Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Quantum Awakening

I feel like we have once again crossed a new threshold in consciousness. I know I am not the only one feeling this newness of being. We are in the dawning of our new day and when I say ‘our’, I am finding that that ‘our’, at least in my understanding, is being expanded in me in ways that I would not have thought possible a few years ago. I believe we are on the brink of a quantum awakening for all mankind, a crossing over in consciousness for all, not just a selected few. But I do believe that the few have become a collective whole, or a key that opens a door for the all that they too may cross over.

This morning upon awakening, I was cognizant of the fact that as soon as I was conscious, I commented to myself, that just a moment ago I was dreaming, but I was now awake. I began to ponder on the reality of this phenomenon, that one moment you can be in the altered state of consciousness called sleep and a moment later, be quite awake. But before coming out of your altered state of consciousness there are many stages of sleep you have come through to bring you up to a fully awakened state.

The deepest sleep is called the delta state in which the brain waves are at their slowest. The next stage is the theta state, which is still a deeper state but not quite as deep or as slow as the delta. Coming up a little higher you approach the alpha state, which is just below the beta, which is being fully conscious.

When Jesus came two days ago (2000 years) or the day before yesterday he declared that he would do cures and cast out devils (our misperceptions), but on the third day he would be perfected or finish his course. He also said “Destroy this body and in three days he would raise it up.” Jesus came at a time when man was deeply asleep. He entered into the dream (or more correctly, the nightmare) that Adam or mankind was having, but he entered and became the first one to be fully awake here. He came to get his voice into our dream or nightmare and by his death, burial and resurrection, he spoke quite loudly to us in our delta (deep) sleep mode. He came into our dream to show us who we really are by demonstrating what a fully awake son of God is. Regardless of appearances, mankind has been awakening from his dream world within ever since. There is more truth coming out from every corner and sector of society than there ever has. We see it in movies, spiritual books of all kinds, self-help books of all kinds, science is discovering spiritual truth, many more programs on T.V. where truth is breaking through, etc. Even though all are not fully awake, they are coming up out of their deep sleep states and even approaching consciousness, all because Jesus came into our dream . It is called lucid dreaming when you become conscious and realize you are dreaming in the middle of your dream and then you can consciously direct your dreams outcome.

The past two days, God has awakened some of us in the midst of our dream. Yes, we are still here in Adam’s dream, but we are awake in the midst of it to direct it to a new outcome that is in alignment with the purposes of God for this earth. Jesus prayed, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. We are not going anywhere or getting out of here, until that prayer is fulfilled on earth. I know that all truth can be spiritualized and brought into the ‘house’, but I believe that this truth is going to be a ‘without’ reality as much as it is a ‘within’ reality. Jesus said, “When you have seen me, you have seen the Father.” In other words, he could say , “Touch me, feel me, everything about me is manifesting God. My hands are God, my heart is God, my organs are God. I have brought God all the way to the physical level. I am the word made flesh.” We have conversely said, “Don’t look at me, don’t see my flesh, just know me by the spirit. We have had to do that, because we know that our outer man is aging and dying and getting sick and it has not demonstrated the life of God in the flesh. We have not brought God all the way to the flesh level so much so, that you can say that when you see this flesh and the state that it is in you are seeing the life of God.” God doesn’t get sick, age or die. The word has been made flesh and now it is time for the flesh to be made word. Out of the twain, one New Man. We have discredited the body and been quite willing to discard it as worthless, but it has a spiritual destiny as well. I have no controversy with those who are called to cross over and lay their bodies down… all before us have and many yet will, but just like Moses was told that he must build the tabernacle exactly to the pattern he was shown in the mount, so too must we build our tabernacle exactly according the pattern (Jesus) shown us at Mount Calvary.

He demonstrated how transformation works. We know an airplane is so designed that once it achieves a certain speed on the runway, it lifts into the air, defying common sense as tons of steel rise into the thin air. How? By obeying the invisible laws of aerodynamics, which govern the flow of invisible air. Jesus represented an analogous, extraordinary moment of lift from Earthbound to airborne.

We had to see one airplane fly only one time to know that it was possible, and eventually to fill the air with flying objects obeying this law.

Likewise, we only require one person to lift beyond involuntary death to know it is possible and eventually to fill the future with people who can lift from corruptible to incorruptible bodies, doing as Jesus did, and even more.

To do as he did we must be as he is. The seven spirits of God, must be ours as well as his, if we are to be like him. Jesus personified these seven spirits of God. He combined them all in one person.

All the saints and seers taught the same lessons as Jesus – to love God above all else and your neighbor as your self. Jesus added one essential awareness: that the individual has a personal future in a transformed body to continue the work of the Creator, evolving the Creation, until all creatures are in the image of God.

Jesus fulfills the lives and works of other saints and seers of the human race by carrying godliness to its natural next step: the empowerment of the individual to be like God. He died and then rebuilt his body, and ascended to the next plane, leaving no corpse to disintegrate and return, recycled, to live again. He broke the wheel of birth, death and rebirth ad infinitum for all those that believe in reincarnation. Those who follow his path need never be reborn in a creature-human body. Nor need they linger, souls-in-waiting, like the elders in the book of Revelation. They can act on behalf of the Creator, forever. They can get on with the task of creation. Thank God that at last the next phase has begun. “Thou hast made us unto our God kings and priests, and we shall reign on the earth” say the elders while they have patiently endured while awaiting the fullness of time.

All before us, have lived in the two day interim, that part where Jesus said, “I do cures and cast out devils”, but we have not entered experientially into the third day rising of his body because we were not fully awake enough to appropriate its truth. The dawning of that day in our consciousness is here now. We know that there is no time in God or in eternity, but we have elected to live in a 3rd dimensional planet whereby it operates by height, width, breath (3 dimensions) plus the added factor of time making it a 3rd and 4th dimensional time-space continuum. This next awareness is bringing us into a whole new consciousness that many call 5th dimensional awareness. This is where whatever you think, manifests without a time lag. It is the realm of manifestation. We have mercifully not had every thought that we think, manifest instantly in this slower dimension, for our minds were not renewed enough to maintain God’s thoughts at all times. But I am digressing from what I wanted to originally talk about – Quantum Awakening.


“At moments of Quantum Transformation, when a system is preparing to ‘leap’ from one order to the new order, God’s communication signals are intensified to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

We are in such a period now.

These signals are now intensifying to those electing to hear the inner voice for God.

“Out of the throne proceed lightnings and thunderings and voices.” God communication system is light and sound. God flashes messages thru light and sound waves that carry coherent information, which can be received and understood by properly attuned beings - by those who have chosen to listen and to follow the signals they receive in perfect faith that they are real.

Your mind-body system is a magnificent receiving/conceiving set. As your intention focuses on the aspiration to be godly, your receiving/conceiving set turns on. The signals begin to flow in. To the degree that you follow the signals, you will be guided to purify your system from the static of ego - and to join with others doing the same – until you discover a group of individuals each capable of receiving/conceiving the same information.

The Holy Spirit intensifies its actions at times of quantum transformation, pinpointing its messages precisely to those who are moving toward higher inner order amid increasing external disorder.

The elders, the lamps of fire, the seven Spirits of God, are a glimpse caught by John, of God communication system. “And out of the throne proceed lightnings and thunderings and voices. And there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven spirits of God.” Rev. 4:5

John saw because he desired to see. He saw in images his mind could formulate. You will see the communication system of God in other images because you, dearly beloved, live two thousand years later. Your intellects have been developed by science, which discovers more of God’s processes of creation. Your powers of conception have increased. You will see differently, in new images and in new words, but the actual events that you will see are same as what John divined.

Jesus Christ developed a mind-body system capable of knowing the universal language of evolution. One person was all that was needed to decipher the Book of Life and begin the decoding process that shall, in the fullness of time, be the God-given capacity of all humans who choose to go on to the next stage of evolution.

Jesus Christ was a new template, an individual quantum transformation that was as great a step from the creature-human (Adam) condition, as was the first Homo sapiens from earlier hominids. Jesus Christ, a future human, was capable of learning the language of God and teaching in parables and imprinting the memory of his words upon the minds of his disciples who wrote them down in an extremely limited form. The desire to transform was thereby awakened in those humans with an innate tendency to evolve Christ-capacities. In the fullness of these times, we will be able to manifest the same capabilities as Jesus did.

Our power will eventually be immeasurable greater, Jesus was alone, as a single co-creative human. In the future, after the moment of quantum transformation, everyone who survives will also be a co-creator. The New Jerusalem is a community of co-creative humans, a collective of natural Christs.

Proto-mutants like you, dearly beloved, are scattered across the face of the thinking globe, ready at any instant to go the Whole Way to become godlike beings in the image of God, joint heirs with Christ.

The Quantum Transformation will come when enough of you are ready. The purpose of this crossover generation, which is shifting from a living soul to a life-giving spirit, is to serve as links between those still in self-consciousness and those becoming God-conscious, natural Christs. This is the generation of the evolution of the self-centered into the God-centered. This is the generation of choice. Only the God-centered reach the Tree of Life.

Christ voice:
“Those who first experience the shift, not “in the spirit” as John did, but in the flesh, as I did, are to be guides during the tribulations. Their task is to help as many living souls as possible make the choice for God. Evangelists are proclaiming that the Kingdom of God is at hand. They are urging repentance and acceptance of Jesus as your personal savior. But they are not laying forth the image of the collective future of the human race as a generation of the saved. They have not yet envisioned what it well be like when everything works.

That is your task, dearly beloved, you of my New Order of the Future, who have eyes to see the reality and the beauty of my Design for you. It is you work to envision the New Jerusalem as the society of full humanity wherein each person is a co-creator. It is your blessed privilege to communicate this vision and to attract all with eyes to see and ears to hear, to participate in the creation.


Those of you who hear these words now are to carry on the commandment given to John two thousand years ago: “Take it and eat it up, and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey.” And I took the little book out of the angel’s hand and ate it up, and it was in my mouth sweet as honey; and as soon a I had eaten it, my belly was bitter. And he said unto me “Thou must prophesy again before many peoples and nations, and tongues and kings.” Rev. 10: 8-11 You are not only to prophesy the end, the tribulations, and the New Jerusalem, you are to act it out. You are to discover the blueprint and become actual co-creators with God. You are to see the first fruits of the New Beginning.

Since you come two thousand years after I first spoke these words, your task is even greater. You are to do as I did and even greater. You are to do as I did and even more.

Dearly beloved, those of you who hold within you the code of life everlasting are now being awakened from within. It is I arising within you. I am now motivating each of you to move beyond your existing lives to your ever-evolving lives. You experience me from within as the fire in your heart to fulfill you destinies as natural Christs. You are the generation on the cusp between creature and co-creator. As you allow me to activate you from within I raise up your mind/body system so that you are capable of incorporating the “little book” into your very being.

This little book triggers the unused DNA with your genetic code. This is the information required for your transformation from separated self-consciousness to unified God-consciousness.

All of you who are now awakening to your own evolution are to gather. Find one another. Join spiritually. Through joining your genius will be revealed, your hearts, will be opened, your life partners attracted. You will be guided from within as to the design of the Planetary Birth and your roles in it. From every race, and nation you will prophesy that the transition from Homo sapiens to Homo universalis in now occurring. Your prophecy will call people to experience in you lifetime the Planetary Birth.”

THE NEW JERUSALEM IS THE SECOND GARDEN. It is humanity living at the next stage of evolution. It is us-in-the-future collectively, with all capabilities operating harmoniously – a community of natural Christs.


THE NEW JERUSALEM IS US IN AN EARTH/SPACE ENVIRONMENT, beginning a new technological revolution, restoring this Earth, and building new worlds, exploring our galaxy, and learning how God creates so we can co-create.

THE NEW JERUSALEM IS US IN SYNERGETIC, EMPATHIC ATTUNEMENT TO THE VOICE WITHIN. It is the genius of cluster of natural Christs cooperating with each other and God to meet the full range of needs of all humans who evolve through the Quantum Transformation. Self-government in the New Jerusalem will not depend on coercion or legislation to force obedience to the law. For it will be populated by those who have chosen to align their will with the will of God. There will be no lawyers of the old kind in the New Jerusalem, for everyone will be motivated, as Jesus was, not to destroy the law but to fulfill it.

THE NEW JERUSALEM IS US IN NEW, INCORRUPTIBLE BODIES capable of self healing, self-conception, self-regeneration, materialization and dematerialization, resurrection and ascension. In the second garden the Tree of Life grows. We are as the gods. We are created in the image of God and in the image of God we shall be.

THE NEW JERUSALEM IS US IN CONTACT WITH HIGHER BEINGS AS A SHARED EXPERIENCE. In new bodies, co-operating with each other in suprasexual attraction, in an Earth/space environment, each with the consciousness of a natural Christ, we encounter other life. What John saw “in the spirit” we shall know in actuality. Only higher beings can recognize higher beings. Just as a newborn babies cannot recognize their mothers, newborn planetary species cannot recognize the personifications of God who are more mature than they, until they themselves mature.

The scene John saw was the celebration of the birth of humanity now occurring in the universe beyond the doors of our five Earthwomb senses.

In the Quantum Instant, when the “trumpet” shall sound, awakening us from our Earthwomb slumber, hundreds of millions of human cells in the planetary body will open their inner eyes at once, in unison, and see together what John saw alone.

Seeing together after the birth, as we will do, will be different than seeing alone before the birth, as John did. Seeing alone, he was struck with awe until almost dead, and he arose to describe in prescientific, preuniversal images, a sight totally beyond human Earthwomb experience.

We who are in the generation experiencing the actual birth of Universal Humanity, will see clearly, face to face, what John say symbolically and intuitively.

Your current space program and genetic research are very early phases of new bodybuilding. Their purpose is to reveal to you how my invisible technologies of transformation and bodybuilding work, so that you may use them at will.

If you do not choose to have a new body to co-create with me, you will not have one. You may choose an impersonal future rather than the transpersonal future. The impersonal future is bodiless. You divest yourself of your personal memory and your DNA, and become an undifferentiated aspect of God.

The saints who are so impatient are those who believed in me and elected to follow my example, which is to have a new body in which to continue the work of creation. They shall be fulfilled in the fullness of time.

Those of you who happen to be alive at the time of the actual Quantum Instant, will be changed while still alive. You will not have to undergo physical death or the reconstitution process. Your co-creative system will turn on. It is being prepared now.

Do you desire regeneration? Do you feel an inner radiation? Do you sense a quantum change? Do you have a flame of expectation exciting you from within? If so, you are being prepared, or rather, you are preparing yourselves to be ready when the selection process comes.

Since no one knows exactly when that will be, you, must prepare for both eventualities: the possibility that you will die before the selection process; the possibility that you will be alive or “quick”, when it happens. In the first case you will be reconstituted. In the second case, you will be transformed

The critical mass represents those marked with the seal of the living God on their foreheads. They are all now sensing a total urgency to communicate the good news in every language, in all tongues, in a variety of symbols. They are impelled from within to link up with everyone who shares the same aspiration. Arise and alight and enflame your fellow humans with the expectation of life ever-evolving as co-creators of the future.”

These last entries are from the book "The Revelation our crisis is a birth" by Barbara Marx Hubbard.

We have been gestating in the womb of Mother earth and are now being born as a corporate Christ in the earth. The “heavens” have had to retain Him until the times of the restitution of all things. Now heaven and earth can come together as the New Creation Man not just as individuals, but as a corporate expression of the Christ. We can’t even imagine at this time what kind of world we will build with completely transformed minds. It will be as different as daylight and dark are. Whatever god can conceive of will be what manifests. This outer world will no longer be the manifestation of Adamic thinking, but will be manifested from the pure mind of God.

With all love,

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