Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The Very Certainty of the Presence

Let's look at the words, it is finished , or the word finished for a moment.

John 17:4
I have glorified You down here on the earth by completing the work that You gave Me to do. Or by finishing the work.

I'm not much for word studies, but I wanted to check on this word finished. This passage comes from the Greek in Strongs 5048- means to complete, accomplish, consumate, fulfill, make perfect

John 19:30 When Jesus had received the vinegar, He said, It is finished! and He bowed His head and gave up his spirit.

this is # 5055 which means complete, execute, conclude, discharge a debt, make an end, expire and it is from #5056 which means to set out for a definite point or goal.

Jesus prayed in John 17 "I do not ask that You will take them out of the world, but that You will keep and protect them from the evil [one].

and Heb. 6:19 [Now] we have this [hope] as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul - it cannot slip and it cannot break down under whoever steps out upon it - [a hope] that reaches farther and enters into [the very certainty of the the Presence] within the veil.
Where Jesus has entered in for us [in advance], a Forerunner having become a High Priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.

If Jesus is our Pattern Elder Brother, these passages mean to me that He completed HIS assignment. He did not complete our assignment for us. He went ahead for us. He was the break through Pioneer. He blazed a trail - He marked the path- but that does not exempt us from walking the same trail. We have our assignment in this earth realm as well as he. He patterned our assignment. In fact he said "Just as you have sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world. But be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."

I believe the certainty of obtaining the promise of our completion lies in entering into this place within the veil where it is already finished or completed. "Without a vision, the people perish". We have not caught the vison of Ourselves looking like a finished Christ being. We still have had a concept that it is not finished and I can some day be finished. This is the view point when you look from time, but from behind the veil, we are most magnificent creatures. When we come out from behind the veil, for we still do go in and out, we are able to "loose him (the Christ that we are that is still wrapped with some of the old wrappings) and let him (Christ) go.) I just answered a question that I have had about that. For once I see myself in the True Light I can't abide the false image that ego has wrapped me in this realm.

Enoch you said something in one of your former posts ( I don't know where it is to quote you exactly now) but it really put the pieces together for me about how to enter or live in the Now. Okay, let me say it in my own words how I interpreted you: Today is always the day of salvation or that is a way of saying that Now is always just a freeze-framed bit of eternity and time is made up of all these framed bits that we call linear time. We have not really known how to escape time or "this world" because we have not known how to slip between the cracks of time and space to the broad expanses of No Time where all is completed.

I don't think that we are literally, or physically to leave this world until our assignments as Saviors on Mt. Zion are finished, but we can leave this world in our consciousness or awareness. When we slip through this narrow way that Jesus referred to, we have escaped the ravages of time and death and hell. And when we behold him there, we actually are beholding OURSELVES in finished form.

O Glory Be To our Most High Father, it is while "Beholding Him we are changed into the very same image." While Beholding Him, we are actually beholding Ourselves. This is why I asked you about meditation. I don't think the western mind is very good at knowing how to Be Still and Know I am God. I want to know more how to enter this place of No Time and Behold My True Self.

Much love, peace, blessing and strength to you all in fulfilling your own assignments here. We are workers together, co-creators together with Him.

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