Saturday, December 01, 2007

Dora Van Assen- the eons


The word eon has been transliterated (to transliterate means:transcribe something into another alphabet: to represent a letter or word written in one alphabet using the corresponding letter or letters of another, so that the sound of the letter or word remains approximately the same) into English from the Greek word aion.

These eons are plural. They have a beginning and ending no matter how far in the dim past or in the far-reaching future; they once began and, therefore, must end. The word eonian is an adjective describing the noun eon qualifying, limiting, or magnifying it.

These eons were made by and for Christ Heb. 1:2.
He is the King of the Eons -1Tim. 1:17.
He is the same for the eons -Heb. 13:8-,
as after the eons he will no longer be reigning, but Himself be subjected to the Father that God be all in all 1 Cor. 15:28.
All the eons were framed (adjusted) by the word of God [Heb. 11:3]

All the eons synchronize with the different world orders, and change at the same time. Eons speak of time, while 'world' describes the various orders that exist during these eons.Through a concordant study of the word eonian, we find it also contains within it an element of quality. Christ is offering not only length or duration of life, but he is giving his own life unto those who believe into Him which is a quality of life needed to rule with Him in His coming kingdom. This is seen in the phrase, eonian times times speaking of ages and eonian as the adjective describing the quality of life necessary to live in these coming ages. This life is found only in Christ [John 17:2-3]

So we find that an eon is the longest period of time mentioned in the Bible. They seem to fall into eight sections, as arranged below:

The Eonian Times 2 Tim. 1: 9, Tit. 1:3

ETERNITY Before the Eons 2 Tim. 1:9, 1 Cor. 2:7, 1 Pet. 1:2

Time Begins From the Eons Rev. 13:8, Eph. 3:9, Col. 1:26 and Rom 16:25

All the Eons Jude 25

The Present Evil Eon Gal. 1:4, 2 Tim. 4:10, Mark 10:30

The Coming Eons Eph. 2:7, Luke 20:35

Conclusion of the Eon Matt. 13:39, Matt. 28:29

Conclusion of the Eons Heb. 9:26

TIME ENDS After the eons, God All in All, 1 Cor. 15:28, Rom 11:36

We find such phrases as these:

Eons of the Eon Heb. 1:8

Eon of the Eons Eph. 3:21

Eon of the Eons Rev. 1:6, 11:15, 14:11, 22:5

These are not eons tumbling upon eons forever. This phrase means that in Gods plan one eon is more outstanding than another, even as the phrase, Holies of Holies does not mean endless Holies, but it indicates that the Holy Place and the Holiest of all are more Holy than the outer court. There are two eons that reveal Gods glory in a greater measure as His light and truth increases.

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