Thursday, December 06, 2007

Map of Consciousness

I'm sharing a part of Dr. Hawkins views here because I enjoy hearing how others have come into their awakening of God and how they see things. I would like to share something from one of his books that I found to be interesting and enlightening concerning the levels of consciousness, or at least how he sees it.

Dr. Hawkins is a great believer in kinesiology that is a method of muscle testing to ascertain truth. It is when you have a tester ask you a question which has a yes or no answer and test the strength of your arm when held out beside you. A yes answer causes you to go strong and the arm locks and cant easily be pushed down and a no answer causes you to go weak and the arm can easily be pushed down. (It reminded me of the urim and thummin of the OT priests) This is based on the idea that all truth is available and our higher self has access to this information and never lies.

Well, what I find the most interesting is not, necessarily, this idea of kinesiology but this map for calibrating the many levels of consciousness after testing thousands of people.On an arbitrary scale, that which makes one go strong is calibrated at the level of 200. That which is false or destructive calibrates below 200. (From 0 to 200, one discovers the levels of Shame, Guilt, Remorse, Fear, Hate, Greed, Pride, Avarice, Anger, etc.

At the level of truth and Integrity, the body goes strong, and these levels go up through Courage, Neutrality, Willingness, Capability, Lovingness, Joy and Peace. The positive levels are then calibrated from 200 up to a possible 1000. Love is at 500, and the Intellect is in the 400s, and Capability and Willingness are in the 300s. That 78% of mankind calibrates below the level of 200 means that most of society assumes that falsehood is truth. Only 15% of the worlds population is even capable of understanding what truth is, and of that, only 4% of the worlds population calibrates at 500 or over, which is the level of Love. Farther up the scale, the number of people at the top of this pyramid of humanity dwindles rapidly. Enlightenment calibrates at 600, where duality dissolves into nonduality. The 700s are the realm of the great spiritual teachers and saints. Few can be identified in the 800s or 900s. The energy field at 1000 is the maximum that can be tolerated by the human body and nervous system, and it is the rare level of the great avatars of history. No human has ever existed who calibrated beyond 1000.

The prevalence of the teachings of Christ and other great cultural teachers seems to have been signaled recently by the transition of the consciousness level of mankind from the negative realm at 190 to cross over the line of Truth and Integrity of 200 to its present level of 207. The significance of this major event, which has happened for the first time in the history of mankind, cannot be understated. By analogy, we know that just on the physical level, a change of only a few degrees in the prevailing global temperature has profound effects on the entire planet and all life on it. In contrast, the shift in mans consciousness from 190 to 207 is far more significant and profound in its total and eventual effects than any change in the temperature of the planet.

If the Second Coming of Christ is to be revealed by a sign, then that sign has already and only very recently appeared. Unmistakable in it implication and promise for all mankind is that profound shift from falsehoods distorting the consciousness of mankind to that of truth.

If we use the kinesiologic test to calibrate the level of truth of the worlds great religions, we see, that over time there was a general decline in the level of truth of some of those religions. One can easily do a very informative study by researching and calibrating the level of consciousness of each, century by century. It is possible by doing so to even pinpoint during which year and by whose dictates the declines occurred. These can often be identified with specific events in which religious decisions were made by ecclesiastic authorities, resulting in dire consequences. Compromises were made that probably seemed justified at the time and were considered to be temporary for the sake of survival but which had very unfortunate long-term consequences as they were never later corrected.

The most grievous and serious example of this was the great decline in the level of truth of Christianity which occurred at the time of the Council of Nicea. Christianity, which had been in the 900s dropped over 400 points due to the inclusion of the Old Testament with the New Testament as the Bible. This was a very devastating error inasmuch as all the books of the Old Testament, with the exception of Genesis, Psalms and Proverbs make one go weak with kinesiology, this indicating that their level of truth is below 200 and therefore untrue. This negativity is due to the anthropomorphic (making into a man) depictions of God as fallible and subject to negative human emotions such as revenge, hatred, partiality, bargaining, vulnerability, wrath, destruction, pride, and vanity. This angry god of revenge had to be appeased, flattered, assuaged, and bargained with so as not to go on a destructive rampage and cast down storms, floods, fire and pestilence. This was the exact opposite of the God of Truth, mercy, and forgiveness which Christ represented. Christ said the god of revenge was to be replaced by the God of mercy and forgiveness. Enemies were to be prayed for and forgiven for their ignorance. (Genesis calibrates at 660, Psalms at 650, and Proverbs at 350. The New Testament calibrates at 640 except for Revelations which calibrates at only 70.

[My Comment: Jesus quoted from, or made reference to 23 books of the Old Testament and even declared to his disciples that everything that is written in the law, the prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled concerning Him. So, Jesus does not "amen" Dr. Hawkins conclusions in this matter of calling the OT false, but the New Testament clearly does teach that the "letter kills, but the spirit gives life". So, in order to clearly understand the OT, it has to be seen allogorically by spirit as being only the shadow of truth. Shadows merely outline any reality but cannot give you definitive truth. Truth can only be ascertained by looking at what casts the shadow. Can your shadow tell me what color your eyes are? Can it tell me what you are thinking?

The New Testament truth of Christ is the reality that cast the shadow of the Old. It is similar to looking into a mirror - my right ear appears to look like my left when looking in a mirror. So, consequently, looking into the OT mirror, life appears as death, love appears as hate, etc.....first the natural, then the spiritual.]

Importantly, the Lamsa version of the Bible (translated from the Aramic Peshitta) is more accurate than the King James version (translated from the Greek) If Revelations were removed from the NT , the Lamsa New Testament would calibrate at 880.

(My comment: the following information I found the most interesting and significant.

One single avatar at a consciousness level of 1000 totally counterbalances the collective negativity of all mankind. (Jesus, calibrates at 1000 and this made me think of the scripture, "If one died for all then all have died," and conversely in his resurrection all live too. What Jesus did placed in the collective consciousness the possibility that all could do what he did and he said, even greater)

An individual at level 700 counterbalances the negativity of 70 million individuals below the level of 200. One individual at 600 counterbalances ten million people below 200; one at 500 counterbalances 750,000 below 200. One individual at consciousness level 300 counterbalances the negativity of 90,000 individuals below 200. The negativity of the entire population would self destruct were it not for the counterbalancing effect of these higher energy fields.

Although the actual number of persons on the planet who calibrate negatively far exceeds those who calibrate positively, their actual individual power is very small by comparison so that at the present time, the calibrated energy of mankind as a whole since the 1980s is on the positive side. As previously mentioned, for many centuries prior to 1986, the consciousness level of mankind stood at 190, and then rather suddenly, it jumped to the level of 207.

by Dr. David Hawkins


Truth is breaking through on every hand for this is the Day of God! Nothing will be hidden. If religion tries to (religiare- to bind) then science will proclaim it! If not science, then the arts (movies) will show it, etc.....until the consciousness of man awakens to the Love that they are and lays their weapons down and learns war no more!

And I think that it is encouraging to know that for every one that just functions in Love and As Love in their day by day existence, it displaces tons of negative energy and clears the way for Light to break through or the Day to dawn and you don't have to do anything but DO LOVE. It's great to Be Love, but you can't Be Love without Being Lov-ing too! The greatest power in the universe.

The mysteries are being finished and the Truth is being made plain as the books of life are being opened.

Love, Karen

Just to add a comment about how many of the books of the OT calibrated at a low level because of anthropomorphizing God or making God out to have negative emotions like unto man:

The letter of the word will always kill, or bring God down to the level of a natural man. Only a spirit quickened level of understanding can interpret the words of God as life.

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