Saturday, December 01, 2007

Dora Van Assen's Trance Experience-part 2


It was five years later that I was sitting under a juniper tree, trying to worship God in spirit and truth, but how could I with so many questions interfering. Suddenly the Holy Spirit moved within my inner being, drowning out every other voice, rising up to overwhelm me completely, slaying me under the mighty power of God in a deep trance. Whether I was in the body or out of the body, I know not, for I had lost all consciousness of place and time. In fact, we were sitting in the shade of this tree when be began to pray, yet when I regained consciousness the shade had moved to the other side of the tree. I found myself lying with my face toward the blazing sun without damaging my eyes or even receiving a sunburn. This in itself was miracle, as it was 115 degrees in the shade. Imagine how hot it would be in the direct sun. When I had fully collected my faculties I realized that I was alone, for the others knowing I was in the hands of God had gone home to take care of our children who were expected to arrive home from school.

I do not know how long I was in this trance before I began to perceive that God was showing me a glorious light. It was a light beyond human description. Not yellow or orange but transparent, luminous white, vibrant and living, the Shekinah glory of God. Ex. 24:10 The light in which Christ is now dwelling which no man hath seen nor can see. [1Tim. 6:16] To me this was an ex-pression of the glory of God in Christ who is the brightness of His glory and the express image of his person (essence and nature) Heb. 1:3

Soon I noted a tiny cross (seemingly) coming up out of the heart of the earth. [Matt. 12:40] Could this be our own deep or unconscious being? We are a small universe within ourselves: heaven, spiritual; earth, natural; mind, ruling; mind and body, ruled over. Be this as it may, this cross, surrounded by this glorious white light of God, continued to grow until it completely spanned the universe filling the whole world with the glory of God. Isa. 6:1, 11:9; Hab. 2:14

Then I was made to see great spheres whirling out of this great mass of white light. Could they be planets? I was made to know that they represented GREAT WORLD STAGES OF TIME through which God is working to fulfill his original plan for all mankind. These large Eons of Time not only whirled into view, but they slowly revolved around the cross. They came out from God and were returning back into God. "For of Him, and through Him, and to Him are all things." Rom. 11:36

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