Friday, December 07, 2007

Playing God

The Power of Imagination

After my awakening in 1988 to the potential in nothingness, I remembered a tremendous experience I had had ten years before, in 1979, that seemed to tie everything together for me. At that time, I was sitting in a Sons of God convention and for some reason, I was just not connecting with the person who was speaking. So, to pass the time, I began to use my imagination.

That may sound like a childlike thing to do, but I read a quote from Einstein that said, "Imagination is greater than knowledge". Imagination is tapping in beyond the five senses to what could be the potential for creating our future. We take that away from our children and, many times, from ourselves. As adults, we need to regain it. We need to reclaim that ability to tap into our own potential through visualization, imagination and meditation. I don't care what tool you use, if it is anointed by the Holy Spirit, it is all right with me. I'm not talking about Transcendental Meditation. I'm not talking about an Eastern practice or Hindu or Buddhist ritual. I've even tried that, but I'm talking about something that is anointed by the Holy Spirit.

I'm learning how to move into that silence, that quiet place of potential inside myself. While this meeting was going on, I was very bored and began musing about what God thinks. So, I decided to pretend that I was God. Isn't that blasphemous? But I thought, "Okay, why not?" So, I was pretending that I was God. But the word God is rather an abstract term, so I was trying to see Him as the highest thing that God is, Love. So, I pretended to be all-encompassing unconditional love. I played with that for a few minutes; then I went to being all-Joy, and then all-Peace, and all-Light, and all this and all that. And, I thought, "This is wonderful!" Then I began to be The-All-Everything!

In retrospect, I began to understand that my imagination had tapped me into a deep cellular memory. It wasn't a game of imagination any more. I was there, and I was experiencing being with Him, even before the hills were formed, when I was His delight. I was literally existing before creation, in the Creator. And it was powerful!

When I did this, I began to have a sense of a missing piece, somewhere around the heart and the solar plexus area. And all of a sudden, my excitement began to slow down, and I found myself back to thinking: I am love; I'm all love. And I began to get slower, and I began to get questionable, and all of a sudden, being everything was not enough. But what could you be, if you are everything? And, somehow, I knew that what I desired was to BECOME all that I was. Being all-love is not enough, because love has a desire to be loving. Nouns were becoming verbs. Words of statement and declaration of being, began to be words of action. I began to feel the inner law of stimuli and response. I wanted to love something! I wanted something to tell me what it is that I am. And I thought, "This is the whole reason for creation!"

God just didn't create to experiment with a bunch of human beings like rats caught in a maze. Creation came out of a deep desire to be mirrored, to look into the image of something and see what one is.


The way I really understood this concept, was by being brought back to the birth of my daughter. I married a lady who was a widow, a little older than myself. She already had two daughters. It had not been a desire in me to be a parent, because of the way I preach and travel. But, things change, and we had a daughter. My point is that the potential of being a natural father was already in me. That was extended to me by my natural mother and father.

When we create or form a body, we don't have any right to choose not to extend that part of the process of creating into what we form. It goes with the territory. It is extended in the creation act. We can't say, "I want to have a child, but I do not want my child to have a child." We have to pass on that equal ability that formed our child, into our child. A creator has to extend into its creation its own ability to create. It is inherent in the spiritual DNA of the creation. That information is there, and that ability is built in.


When my daughter was born, and they brought her out, it was a transforming moment for me. When I looked into her face, in her, I became. It was something I could never have done without this experience, even though it was potentially in me. It took me outside of myself, coming back to me, to make me become more than I was. I looked at that child and there was my image, and boy, was it. My daughter is me. I looked at her, and she ministered back to me. I had given her life, but her life ministered back to me in that circle of giving and receiving that is really what praise is all about. That is what we are really doing. We are giving back to God a life that God has given to us. It's a cycle. It is a circle of life.

by David Hulse

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