Sunday, November 18, 2007

My Valentine

Sweet angel, spirit of mine,
Sent from God as MY VALENTINE.
My special treasure held in my heart
Sent here as God's timely love dart.

Your quiver was full of arrows so swift,
And none of them did ever the mark miss
For you promised as your word's sent we would not return void,
But would accomplish all, bringing you full reward.

Don't think for a moment that our Love won't last
For it was the Spirit that sealed us and bound our hearts fast.
He wooed us and won us with Love's gentle touch,
And showed us by dying just how much.

Pieces of His heart every man is
And until my heart and their heart together do come,
His heart forever shall torn apart be
Until the sum of all hearts realize they're parts of Me.

"Be mine", is His valentine message extended to all,
And it, too, has become my heart's mandate and call.
To gather the 'pieces' that none be lost
For the price for this union has been at great cost.

These words come as cupid's arrow sent straight into your heart
Laden with Love and the Markman's great art.
Now can't you see this Sweet Angel of mine
Why I can't help but call Him

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