Sunday, November 25, 2007

Seeing AND Doing

I loved that thought that was shared about the world to come being our transformed body. I know so many think you are putting off into the future something that they see finished. I myself taught and believed in the "everything is finished" gospel. It is spiritual truth. But I was pondering on something Jesus said on how this finished thing is accomplished in this realm and it was:

He only spoke what he heard his Father saying.

And He only did what he saw his Father doing.

We are to be 'transducers', where this power and energy meets to be stepped down into manifestable reality.

So many only seem satisfied with 'seeing' the kingdom of God. Being quickened or born again lets you see the kingdom of God, but Jesus 'saw' what his Father was 'doing'. It translated into action on his part.

Even Moses 'saw' into the promised land. But he never walked it. Just seeing all things finished, to me is not enough. It is not really entering into and putting your feet in that land. And I would not for the world want to discourage anyone from seeing the finished work of God, that is not at all the point I am making. Seeing is a glory too of the many glories.

I read a post by a brother on another board and thought a point he made about the 'daughters vs. the sons' was a great truth. He was making it about different orders of people, and it may be true in that respect too, but I took it within. The daughter aspect is the more passive receptive part of us that is content to just 'be' and to 'see' that all is well, but the masculine part of us is the more aggressive active side of us that is not just a hearer of the word but a doer.

It is the feminine and masculine together that produces the child (the manifestation) You can't do anything that you can't see God doing.

"It is God that worketh in us both to will and to do his good pleasure."

Well, God is spirit, and a spirit has not flesh and bones. But spirit has clothed himself as us to do all his pleasure, and by His grace we are changing garments: from the humiliating dense and heavy animal skins that bind us cocoon like, to the light and majestic body of his glory.
Phil 4:21

With love,Karen

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