Monday, November 29, 2010

A Concordant Study of the Word, "Will"


(Concordant Literal New Testament)

Perhaps it would be good to make a concordant study of the word, "WILL" as it has been rendered in the Greek by three different words. Often seeing how these words are used in the Greek, will give us a greater understanding of their true meaning. We will notice a slightly different shade of meaning in each word which cannot be expressed in English by our one word, "WILL".

1. THELO, a meaning to form a decision, choice, purpose or wish. We find a good example in Mark 1:40. "If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean." And Jesus saith unto him, "I WILL, be thou clean." Again in his prayer in the garden. "O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thous WILT." Matt. 26:39. In these instances Jesus was making a decision or choice, and acted it out immediately.

2. THELEMA, meaning the PROCESS by which the subject, effect, result of a decision, choice or purpose is FINALLY attained. This mostly speaking of GOD'S WILL as in the Lord's Prayer: "Thy WILL be done in earth as it is in heaven." A process. It also speaks of the "good pleasure of his will, the "mystery of his will", or the "counsel of his will." These were all determined before the foundation of the world, and are slowly coming into effect (in the earth) gradually throughout the ages.

3. BOULEMA, meaning the FINAL effect, result or goal of any counsel, which anyone has determined before and had in their own minds. This word has been rendered, "INTENTION", in the CCV (Concordant Version). We find a good example of this word in Act. 27:43, regarding Paul's shipwreck. "Now came the soldiers' counsel that they would kill the prisoners, lest anyone swimming out, may flee away. Yet the centurion INTENDING to bring Paul safely through, prevents them from their INTENTION."

Iin the KJV, INTENDING AND INTENTION have been rendered WILLING AND PURPOSE. This in my mind does not give the true meaning, as the soldiers had taken counsel, coming to the INTENTION of killing all the prisoners including Paul. But even so the centurion INTENDING to save Paul had also come to his final INTENTION. Therefore he hindered the INTENTION of the soldiers. As their INTENTION was only of man it could be stopped, but GOD'S INTENTION cannot be thwarted, otherwise, he would not be sovereign. Thus we read in the CCV, "Who hath withstood his INTENTION? No one has ever resisted the INTENTION, but many (if not us all) have at one time or another resisted his REVEALED WILL. This is confirmed in many scriptures:

"Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves judgment (correction). Rom. 12L2.

"So do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the truth." 2 Tim. 3:8.

"And ye will not come to me, that ye may have life." John 5:40.

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