Saturday, November 27, 2010

How Our Beliefs Shape Our Experiences

How Our Beliefs Shape Our Experiences
All external reality is formed or shaped by internal reality. "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made....." and

"And God said....let there be and there was" and another

"Jesus, was the express image of the invisible God".

From inner to outer, from heaven into earth, from spirit into form. When man begins to understand how he forms and shapes his reality or his outer world, and that it is not just imposed upon him by a God outside of himself, but by the God that he gives his credence to within himself, it really is a bit of a scary realization....sobering at least to understand that we are responsible for "our" world.

If Jesus said that we are the Light of the World and we also know that God is Light, then do you think that Jesus was saying "You are the God of the World"? But if our light be darkness (unconsciousness) then our outer creations will be too. We will be creating unconsconsciously and feel victimized by God. And what we create is what most of us have been programmed with by society, religion and culture. We have been vaccinated, as it were, against finding our own power and taking our place as a co-creator with God. We then look at this world with all of its outer creations of sin, sickness, and lack and say, "See this outer realm proves that faith doesn't work." But we have failed to see that this outer world has been formed by the creations of our internal beliefs. ( I am speaking also of mass beliefs too, collective consciousness)

So, if you take what is not truth and try to use it as your validation against faith, you have based your belief on what has orginated from a false belief or identity to start with.

"God said, Let there be and there was", But before speech is thought or intention. There is first a Thinker, then a thought and then an action.

The thinker= The Father, what fathers the thought, (father means "starter", so where does this thought have its starting point)
The thought=The Son, the thought expressed or spoken forth
The action=what is birthed from this thought into manifestation.

We just "think" that thoughts are just little insignificant birds flying through our heavens or minds and do not realize that they are the building blocks of our You-niverse.

Thoughts are actually electro-magnetic energy. When you think, you are moving subtle energy into a pattern, you are imaging. This body of ours is electrical. We do not realize how much our inner dialogue most of the time is imaging us less than what spirit says we are. And I don't think that maybe we realize that these images formed over and over in our minds, most of the time quite unconsciously, or even subsconsciously after years of old programming, is continually fleshing themselves out in our world as our lack in some form.

Please know, that I am myself, putting on these new garments, and I know that most are all in transitions. Where we have been has not fulfilled the longings and desires that we just KNOW has to exist. We have to drink deeply of some new wine, and we all know that the New Covenant was not just the New Testament writings but the New Covenant is the one written on the heart. We have got to find what is written in our Book of Life....what New Wine is there for the people of this day and this time.

I believe this was all in the plan of God to let us experience creating (six days shall you labor) but this seventh day that we are entering is a Rest. So for six days (1000 year days) man, using his God-given power to think and choose, has chosen things like war, and hate and prejudice etc. These things have served as mirrors to us. We get to look into an outer creation that reflects back to us what we have projected from within. I believe all this has had purpose. Remember it says "That God's word does not return void." I believe we each are A word of God that makes up The Word of God, just like we each are a cell that makes up the Christ Body....many but One. I believe that we each are "a word" that has been made flesh. We each are the intention of our Father.

So this past six day experience of man since Adam has brought some people to an awakening....a turn-around...a repentance. THIS IS NOT WORKING, THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING BETTER!!! So upon finding out that WE have been our own devil or when the Divine get ill, a little play on words (dev-ill), we get to choose again. But this time, we do it CONSCIOUSLY. WE DO NOT RETURN VOID!! We are no longer unconscious but conscious that we are One with our Creator and endowed with his Love and Power to be the Turn-Around-People. Corporately this Conscious People get to be the Light that shines dispelling mans belief that he is less than his Father's Son, but in fact is in his very image and bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh.

I feel when Jesus said "It is finished" on the cross....he was saying that HIS walk was finished for even in Hebrews it says he has entered in as a forerunner for us. So we have some running of our own to do if he is the forerunner of this corporate Body. So I guess to sum all this up, I am trying to say we really need to wake up to HOW....I think we have had WHAT down pretty good, but have we known HOW to put our truth into reality? Teach us once more our Father.

With love,

PS. I wrote the above about 5 years ago as I was embracing these thoughts but I feel like I would like to add something to this.

When new truth is presented to us and we accept it with our conscious minds, or our surface mind, this will not automatically exempt you from the need to have this truth written in your inner man. It is at the subconscious level where we continue to act and react from. The "new program" will have to be downloaded here for there to be any real change in our lives.

The ego, or surface mind, can revel in and delight in new truth and if we are not aware, we may find ourselves having just another form of godliness that denies the power therof. We may just be exchanging one belief system for another one and not be aware of the wiles of the ego. It is not just our old understandings of Christianty that can fall into this trap, but any new thought can as well.

"And God blessed them, and said to them, Be fruitful, multiply, and FILL THE EARTH and SUBDUE IT and have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and over every living creature that moves upon the earth." Gen. 1

"Dominion over the fish of the sea" - this is the subconscious realm….what swims beneath conscious knowing. This is where all the false programming resides and it is the “brightness of his appearing” that reveals and destroys it.

"Dominion over the birds of the air” – this is the conscious thought realm or what we consciously think about and invest our thoughts into and give validation to.

Dominion over all the beasts” – what has not been “tamed” in our flesh to be an obedient servant of the Lord. [remember Jesus rode the ‘ass’ into Jerusalem.] God has need of your flesh when it is tamed.

"And dominion over all the earth" – dominion over everything in us, spirit, soul and body.

And then there is our greatest of patterns, our High Priest, Jesus Christ, who himself being made perfect [mature] became the Pioneer of our salvation.

“And his completed experience making him perfect in equipment, He became the Author and Source of eternal salvation to all those who give heed and obey Him.” Heb. 5:9

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