Thursday, November 25, 2010

God on Assignment

"To every thing there is a season.." Ecc. 3

Since most all of us believe that God has incarnated Himself in all of humanity, that finds God in the midst of all religions, yea, all human conditions, in fact.

When the real God or Christ stands up in the midst of a called out one or an awakened one, that one becomes a savior to all those still entrenched in whatever human condition they are being freed from. We are powerful energy beings, and when our energy or vibration is raised it has exponentially more power than the old or lower vibrations. It sends out energy that begins to break up the old patterns creating vortexs...doorways, escape hatches for those coming after us.

So perhaps we have been God on assignment, positioned and lowered into places by the will of Him who so subjected us, yet with hope.

So whatever our assignment has been, means these are those written in our book of a priest of God we stand as a representation of all of them before God, just as the High Priest did in the OT when he went behind the veil with all of Israel represented upon his breastplate by the 12 gemstones there.

I believe there are what I call "birth orders" - just as in natural familes. There is the firstborn and then those that follow after fulfilling their unique positions in the family as well. We tend to gravitate to those of our own birth order when it comes having any kind of true fellowship or understanding even though our love extends to the whole family.

A few of my ruminations
Love to all,

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