Monday, November 29, 2010

One Mind

I really believe that there is just one mind, that either functions in the spirit or the flesh......I know the word speaks of being double-minded, but that's a Hagar and Sarah condition, the same kind that Abraham had to deal with when he attempted to father children apart from the spirit. He had children by two different women living in his was by the spirit and one was by the efforts of the flesh. He had to cast out the bond woman and her child, Ishmael in order to have a peaceful home ordered after the spirit.

When we first are enlightened, we are very double minded as we are learning to recognize the voice of spirit from the voice of the flesh and let go of the carnal clutter.....its not a one shot deal.

Eve represents Hagar who receives seed thoughts from the flesh
births an Ishamel who cannot inherit the promise
Mary (the redeemed Eve) represents Sarah who receives seed thoughts from the spirit and births That Holy Thing, the Son of God.

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