Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Holographic Universe

Just to share a few more thoughts from the Holographic Universe:

The "explicate order" IS the unfolding of the "implicate order".

or in Biblese: earth or creation is the unfolding of heaven.

Jesus was the express image of the invisible God. He gave visibility to the invisible attributes of God.


"Enfolded Orders and Unfolded Realities

There is a vast and primary level of reality that gives birth to all the objects and appearances of our physical world. Bohm (scientist) calls this deeper level of reality the implicate (which means "enfolded order") and he refers to our own level of existence as the explicate (or unfolded order).

He uses these terms because he sees the manifestation of all forms in the universe as the result of countless enfoldings and unfoldings between these two orders. Bohm prefers to describe the universe not as a hologram, but as a holomovement.

The Undivided Wholeness of All Things

Most mind-boggling of all are Bohm's fully developed ideas about wholeness. Because everything in the cosmos is made out of the seamless holographic fabric of the implicate order. Everything in the universe, are no more separate from one another than different patterns in an ornate carpet.

Einstein astounded the world when he said that space and time are not separtate entities, but are smoothly linked and part of the larger whole he called the space-time continuum. But Bohm takes this idea a giant step further. He says that everything in the universe is a part of a continuum. Despite the apparent separateness of things at the explicate level, everything is a seamless extension of everything else, and ultimately even the implicate and the explicate orders blend into each other.

my comment:
(this is how heaven and earth passes away in our consciousnes - they are embraced in wholeness)

Look at you hand. Now look at the light streaming from the lamp beside you. And at the dog resting at your feet. You are not merely made of the same things. You are the same thing. One thing. Unbroken. One enormous something that has extended its uncountable arms and appendages into all the apparent objects, atoms, restless oceans, and twinkling stars in the cosmos.

Bohm cautions that this does not mean the universe is a giant undifferentiated mass. Things can be a part of an undivided whole (Christ is: my comment) and still possess their own unique qualities."

From the Holographic Universe

I have found some other books that I have enjoyed as well as the Holographic Universe and one of them is Bridging Science and Spirit by Norman Friedman and The Living Energy Universe by Gary Schwartz if this kind of mind stretching information is your cup of tea.

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