Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Real Grays :)

But if you are both inside and outside, you are the ultimate threat, the ultimate reformer, and the ultimate invitation.

Hallelujah!! It's God's Gray area (how He blends)... not black or white....the land of the interface....not just spirit....not just earthly...but having full access to both, having been a heavenly spy and an earthly sojourner, you take on the nature of The Door and can go in AND out and find pasture.

Okay, Ron, as far as your question about spearing yourself....(here's a thought or one possible perspective) if you were throwing spears at anyone while still part of Saul's kingdom or before you were further awakened, those "anyones" you were spearing were you in the larger sense if we all are one.....a lesson we all are grasping in greater measure, me thinks.

Blessings, Karen

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