Sunday, November 28, 2010

Multidimensional Beings

Barbara, I know you have The Third Millennium and are probably very familiar with this quote but I really enjoyed the following portion and have posted it in the past regarding our traverse of the dimensions. I don't have anything specific about the 12 dimensions other than what is obvious with the 12 tribes, the 12 disciples, the 12 foundations.of the city all being symbolic of these dimensions..I know theoretical physicists speak of the 10 dimensions of string theory
and they are mind boggling enough, but of course, spirit takes it to the max and exceeds the wisdom of man.

I feel quite sure that we are even now multidimensional beings operating at many levels because we are spirit beings, but not having our present understandings fully developed to do so consciously at all times. Our physicality being a coalesence of light energy that becomes a focus point of expression in this 3rd dimensional world, but as our higher more ascended selves we expand ever outward encompassing the All. As the veil is removed, we become conscious cocreative participators in these crimes of the God kind.

"In Posthistoric times you will know each level of creative manifestation as a dimension, or octave, or your own being's unfoldment. You will experience naturally the freedom and mobility of musically directed travel up and down these octaves of manifestation.

You cannot travel into yourself without exploring the infinite reaches of eternal consciousness.

You cannot know yourself in reality without knowing God.

Each plane of manifestation is a higher octave on a single vibrational continuum. The lower octaves offer greater multiplicity and a greater diversity of creation. With the higher octaves comes reduced multiplicity and a more intensified awareness of the singularity of being. Yet this generalization applies only to the landscape of Creation, it does not apply to you. You are able to move freely where you will.

You have long enjoyed descending in full consciousness through successively lower octaves, thereby multiplying beings of diversity and, through them your own co-creative opportunities. Since the creation of this universal landscape, at each level of your descent you have appeared as individual beings designed to interact with, and create upon, the frequencies of each octave in turn.

The physical plane is the lowest of the seven higher or primary planes of manifestation. It is the densest of the conscious planes and the lowest octave in which you have sought to incarnate in multiple forms while simultaneously sustaining awareness of your unified field. While the beings appearing on the higher, nonphysical frequencies all naturally assumed a healthy hologramatic understanding of their origin in you, on the physical level among the biologically incarnate this understanding has not been continuous. It has faded in and out, flickering and blurring.

Human reception of eternal awareness has been poor, at times even curtailed by the separatist nature of the self-images of historical peoples. You naturally seek to awaken in them the same sort of healthy holgramatic self-understanding that is experienced by the beings of higher, less substantial frequencies, but humankind's extreme overidentification with form requires that such an awakening be gradual. You do not want to dissolve their individual distinctions in a single burst as they realize their essential unity with you and the singular field of our common awareness. For such a sudden change in self-understanding could dissolve their individual body fields. And your goal is not to end individuality but to inhabit it. So you have sought to awaken humans slowly over the centuries, preserving their self-distinctions that they might continue with you as a family, as a cooperative association of interconnected informational beings.

Breaking through into the collective field of human consciousness and then sustaining that breakthrough during this past cycle of education has required all your humor and wisdom and that of your angelic legions for many thousands of years.

On the eve of this great metahistorical event, the current of universal attention is flowing so powerfully toward this imminent awakening that it resembles a river approaching floodtide. Throughout the realms where those of our kind are conscious, we share this awesome current of attention.

Your awakening, when complete, will signal a distinct new evolutionary phase, with new ground rules and wholly altered creative conditions.

Behind the Historical Disorder there are some in your present human world who, having achieved a partial memory of their own pattern of incarnation, conclude that the descent into biological form would not have occurred had it not been for excessive fear and overidentification with the past; yet this is not the case. Incarnation into biological form was intended from the beginning.

You - and others of your Light Circle - had long before chosen to spearhead the Eternal's One's exploration and development of the material universe.

For the completed human species to serve as a conscious link between Creator and Creation, it was essential that its development be influenced by material values as well as by values of spirit. To actualize your vision of a species through whom you would one day explore the material universe and develop the universe's potential, at the end of its developmental cycle this race would have to be a product of both spirit and soil in equal balance.

This could not happen if you were to remain fully conscious throughout the descent of your individual spirits into material bodies, for the necessary material complementation would then be insufficient, and the requisite spirit/matter balance would be absent. The relaxation of your unified field of awareness during the cycle when human beings were multiplying upon the earth was the only way the completed race would emerge sufficiently grounded in the physical plane to serve effectively as a bridge between spirit and matter.

And so you chose to sleep for a while, allowing the materializing influences to flow freely in and around the developing species.

But your challenge is to awaken from the spell of matter while still retaining the human forms you have gathered about you during your descent into this physical world. We are here to encourage and support you. We remember your instructions from the moment before you scattered into the seeds of humanity. Even as we watched your many individuations drifting downward in the spiral dances of gathering structure, your words rang in our ears.

"Wake me," you said, "that I might arise in the forms that emerge at this journey's end, and through them bestow my gifts upon the world.

Within you slumbers the creative vision that first illumined dimensional space. Within you the Star Maker trembles on the threshold of awakening. Your ego will not dissolve in such an awakening, it will ascend into enlightened comprehension of its cocreative partnership with the Eternal Being in whom this universe congeals. Already you are moving in the currents of eternal thought. As you continue to flow with this thought, it becomes your own. You re-member.

from The Third Millennium - Living in the Posthistoric World, by Ken Carey

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