Friday, November 26, 2010

Lowered and 'Slowered'

Jesus said 'Father glorify me with the glory I had before the world was' and I do believe there is a part of us that is timeless......has never sinned, never lived and never just IS.

I think those that speak about always being perfect are simply identifying with that 'I'.

Yes, I totally agree with you!.....have taught from that perspective for a long while and still do when spirit wants to. I just think that the Holy Spirit not only shows us "what"...we've all got that down pretty good, but Spirit is also teaching us "how" too. Its while beholding Him,(our trueself) that we are changed from glory to glory or from understanding to understanding. Its a paradoxical progression to arrive where you have never left, isn't it?

If we had started our journey here in a state of absolute perfection or complete omniscience and omnipotence, knowing all things, and having all power, how could Absolute Perfection have ever been deluded into greed, hate, war, prejudice, lust, or any of the fallen traits of Adam that presently abound in this earth?

It couldn't! It would be impossible for that which is perfect to be anything less than perfect at all times.

When God or All That Is took out a creation from Himself.....what I see that he took out from his side was His feminine, The Elohim. Elohim, a feminine and plural word. These Elohim spirits were then lowered or "slowered" into the realm of matter.

That very act in the heavens was re-enacted in the earth again when Eve was taken from Adam. The intuitive or feminine element was taken from him for growth and development.

Jesus said, quoting from the Psalms 86 when the Jews took up stones to stone him, calling him a blasphemer, saying that he was a mere man and made himself out to be God,...he answered them,

"Is it not written in the Law, I said, Ye are gods?
So men are called gods - by the Law- men to whom God's message came, and the Scripture cannot be set aside or broken or annulled." John 10

Psa. 86
I said, “You are gods [elohim], and all of you are sons of the Most High. Nevertheless, you will die like men, and fall like any one of the princes. (because of bearing Adam's death sentence)

That word gods, is Elohim and it is feminine.

When God breathed into that first man, he became a living soul....he was feminine in nature or soulish. Until s/he has a union with the masculine, she will remain childless.

Christ Jesus was the firstborn son from among the dead of Adamkind. He became a Life-Giving Spirit, Christ and Lord, in order to father more sons in his exact image. He impregnated the collective unconsciousness of all men with resurrection reality when he triumphed over death, hell and the grave.

When this Christ arises from within our sleeping consciousness, our soul is impregnated with that incorruptible seed from this ChristMan, we have then conceived the new birth. But conception is not birth as any pregnant woman knows. What lies before her is gestation and travail to bring this fully formed child to birth. Spirit impregnates the soul, the soul conceives spirit life (Let this mind be in you), and when this child of Christ Life is birthed, your body is resurrected into a body like unto his glorious one. Spirit, soul and body salvation exactly like the one who fathered you....Christ Jesus the Lord.

"All the saints and seers taught the same lessons as Jesus – to love God above all else and your neighbor as your self. Jesus added one essential awareness: that the individual has a personal future in a transformed body to continue the work of the Creator, evolving the Creation, until all creatures are in the image of God." Barbara Marx Hubbard

I would have to add to Barbara's statement, that Jesus not only added that one essential awareness, of life in a transformed body, but that he became the means to see it carried out being the Firstborn Finished Son from the dead.

3 comments: said...

The passage you quote as being from Psalms 86 is not from psalms 86. It's from Psalms 82.

Also, "You are gods(elohim), and all of you are sons of the Most High" refers to our spiritual likeness to The Creator. To suggest that we are Gods or Goddesses i.e., divinity, because it says so in Psalms is to misunderstand scripture.



Karen said...

Hi David, thanks for the correction of my typo.

Jesus: "I Have given them the glory which you have given me, that they may be one, even as we are one."

Since He(God) is the Father of spirits and we are His children, I believe Jesus was saying what our true identity is....we are the elohim spirits that have been lowered into flesh ie., the words of God made flesh. It is "kind after kind" as Genesis teaches us. If God is our Father, we are Godkind.

Many nice to have you stop by and visit.
Karen said...


It appears that you are on a quest for understanding the Scriptures. Because this so important, I suggest the you obtain a copy of

"The Scriptures" published by Institute for Scripture Research

and a copy of

"Aramaic English New Testament" 3rd Edition from Netzari Press LLC

These have been real eye-openers for me.

I knew that if I was to teach anyone anything about Truth, I had better study out what it was I hoped to teach because I don't want to lead anyone down the wrong path with wrong words based on faulty translation. Words matter.

You seem to have a desire to teach and I want to encourage you to further your studies in order "to shew yourself approved." :)
